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La soluzione al #traffico era già nota nel 1927
In un manifesto dell’azienda di trasporto di Wichita Falls, si chiede di dare priorità al trasporto di massa, perché molto più efficiente: in un #tram possono sedersi comodamente le persone portate da ben 28 #auto (con 2 persone per auto, stima ottimistica).
100 anni fa era già tutto li: problema e soluzione
@energia #mezziPubblici #mobilitaSostenibile
Trovata qui:
I agree we need fewer cars and more pubic transport, but these comparisons always assume maximum efficiency in bus use and minimum efficiency in car use. What if we only have 3 people on the bus? Maybe people prefer cars to an extent because they are not all crammed up? We need to make buses/trains enjoyable to use for those people who are now using cars (not me, who is already on the train anyway)
This is a good point. Especially because public transport comes out on top even if you consider them half empty, or cars full.
In the city where my mother lives they are repeatedly cutting down on the number of public busses, to the point where there is one bus per hour on Sundays. This is the 3rd largest city in the country of Denmark. The thinking goes: Well nobody is using the busses so why have so many. Then as less busses serve the city, less people use them. And round and round we go.