Well yeah, Palin at least has the MILF thing going for her. What does Jorkin Depeanus Vance bring to the table?
In all seriousness though, Vance is the scapegoat for how abysmally inadequate the nominee is. Never before has a candidate been so horribly inept and disappointing, so supporters were hoping for a perfect running-mate to pick up the slack.
Well yeah, Palin at least has the MILF thing going for her. What does Jorkin Depeanus Vance bring to the table?
In all seriousness though, Vance is the scapegoat for how abysmally inadequate the nominee is. Never before has a candidate been so horribly inept and disappointing, so supporters were hoping for a perfect running-mate to pick up the slack.
I really hope your F in MILF stands for forget, because I sure as hell won’t even think about the other one.
I dunno man, she seemed pretty nice in that documentary about nailing things.
I don’t know that, but I guess it might be porn?
I liked her in Iron Sky. What a great movie.
Iron Sky is such a guilty pleasure!
Let me tell you about a little film, ahem an adult film, called Who’s Nailin’ Paylin?.
Oh God it includes a porn version of Bill O’Reilly… WHO ASKED FOR THAT???
My head canon is that Bill did when he wrote the check to have it filmed.
That explains that other reply 😅