• GraniteM@lemmy.world
    1 year ago

    From TNG, “Conundrum”:

    PICARD: Tactical analysis, Mister Data.

    DATA: The pods are equipped with fusion-generated pulse lasers and minimal shielding.

    RIKER: Not much power there.

    PICARD: Forward shields to maximum. Lock phasers on the sentry pods. Prepare to return fire.

    WORF: Shields up. Phasers locked on targets.

    PICARD: Full impulse. Take us straight through them.

    DATA: We are through the perimeter, sir.

    RIKER: That was too easy.

    WORF: We have yet to encounter any battleships. They may lie ahead.

    PICARD: Load all torpedo bays. Ready phasers.

    WORF: Aye, sir.

    MACDUFF: Approaching Central Command.

    PICARD: Mister Data, scan for defences.

    DATA: I am picking up no vessels, no additional sentry pods.

    RIKER: Optimal firing range in fifty five seconds.

    MACDUFF: Phaser banks ready. Loading torpedoes.

    PICARD: What are the defensive capabilities of the Central Command?

    DATA: Armaments consist of four laser cannons and thirty nine cobalt fusion warheads with magnetic propulsion. Defensive shield output is four point three kilojoules.

    RIKER: One photon torpedo ought to do it.

    TROI: Data, how many people on that station?

    DATA: Fifteen thousand, three hundred eleven.

    MACDUFF: We’re within range, Captain.

    PICARD: Stand by.

    MACDUFF: Waiting for your order, sir.

    TROI: Captain, this isn’t right.

    MACDUFF: The rest of our forces are depending on us.

    RIKER: How can our mortal enemy be over a hundred years behind us in weapons technology?

    …and in “The Outrageous Okana”:

    WORF: Still no response. Captain, they are now locking lasers on us.

    RIKER: Lasers?

    WORF: Yes, sir.

    PICARD: Lasers can’t even penetrate our navigation shields. Don’t they know that?

    • ramble81@lemm.ee
      1 year ago

      RIKER: How can our mortal enemy be over a hundred years behind us in weapons technology?

      I see they have met the Russians too…

      • GraniteM@lemmy.world
        11 months ago

        Navigational shields deflect bits of dust and micrometeors away from the ship so that the hull isn’t constantly being bombarded by interstellar debris so small that it doesn’t merit navigating around or pushing out of the way with a tractor beam. Essentially, they are the absolute weakest form of ship defense, and the laser weapons described don’t even pose a threat to them, let alone the actual defensive shields intended for use in combat.