I am so annoyed at my fucking bank!! So I work on a tech area of a bank. I work remotely. We are allowed to have employee accounts with special privileges. I already had an employee account, but wanted to add a savings account to it. I had been with this bank for 10 years and working for it for 4. They closed my accounts because they said that they had to create a whole new account to attach the savings account to it. So then they tell me that I needed $25 dollars. I literally never needed money to open any of my previous accounts with them, so I didn’t bring any cash. They said that they couldn’t open it. I offered transferring funds from another bank right there and there, they said no. I ask if I could just deposit funds tomorrow and they said no. I literally had to give them the cash right then and there. They literally told me this after closing my other 2 accounts. When I called them out on this, I was told that as an employee, I should know that. Wtf?! I work in the mobile app in the tech section, we have no clue about opening accounts or accounts policy, and I never needed money before. I am so pissed that I lost 2 hours in line and got now no accounts!

Then I called another branched and explained the situation and they said that they are okay opening the account with no money as long as I give my word that I will transfer the funds the same day, which makes me so annoyed because the other person kept saying that was not possible! I hate the branch close to me so much!

And the employee account doesn’t even need a balance. I don’t know what their problem is . It doesn’t need a minimum balance. I don’t understand why now they need money to open the account as they are literally seeing that I had 2 accounts with them

Fuck them banks wasting my 2 hours!