The committee, led by Chairman James Comer, said in the report that it plans to continue to investigate Biden to find evidence of corruption, even as it acknowledged that it had no evidence that he financially benefited from the myriad foreign business dealings of his son Hunter.

    1 年前

    Except she did actually get caught manipulating the Democratic primary leading up to 2016, as well as collaborating to manipulate the GOP one as well.

    (Citation required)

        1 年前

        The Clinton hate started in 1993 with the Whitewater ‘investigation’. Since then, it never stopped. Never.

        There has been a total of 419 investigations into the two of them, Bill and Hillary. How many crimes was found exactly? A big fat zero. Nada. Nothing. Rien.

        Hillary Clinton is, and by far, the most vetted polician in the history of this country. She’s a woman, she has/had power, she is kind and generous so she’s everything Republicans hates.

        I’m tired of hearing that “maaayybbbeee the right is right, I guess we can give them the benefit of the doubt about her”

        No. Fuck them. They keep pretending they are outraged at stuff that doesn’t actually bother anyone. We shall not give them another single ounce of credibility. They constantly scream about obvious bullshit that can be debunked in a 5 seconds google search, they keep calling you a sheep whenever you disagree on a topic in politic and they NEVER admits when they are clearly in the wrong. I’m so sick of these failures attempting to subvert democracy.

        So no, I’m not even gonna bother clicking your link. I know exactly what I’m gonna find and this is not the slam dunk you are thinking. As always.

        /end of rant