Basically if you’re a communist you’re already on the left. So if you’re to the left of communists, what are you? An ultra communist.
They’re the people who can usually recite whole quotes by heart and have bookmarks and notes in all their books. But when it comes to translating that theory into the real world, nothing is ever good enough because it doesn’t follow what Lenin or Bordiga wrote to the letter. They’re the embodiment of if you can’t do it perfectly, then don’t do anything at all.
No, most of them don’t even like Lenin because he seized power in a coup and did non-absolutely perfect stuff as the first leader of an actual socialist state.
Well there was Bordiga, who was described as “more Leninist than Lenin”.
“Hey Bordiga! Who were the true great and authentic revolutionaries of the world?”
A hint to anyone reading: he died the same way a rat sleeps.
“An infantile disorder.” --V. I. Lenin