• GroundedGator@lemmy.world
    9 months ago

    I think this former Sarasota county student said it best. https://youtu.be/yq4LMi5-C6o?si=eLUXLIJ92QrnCQQR

    Really her hypocrisy is just laughable and no one should care or be involved with anyone else’s bedroom activities.

    She is pushing her hateful and hurtful agenda in Sarasota county public schools. Meanwhile, she sends her kids to private school.

    !I’m a bit split on this the more I think about it. Her private life doesn’t need to be put on blast, she’s a horrible enough person without putting her hypocrisy in the spotlight. However, it is her piousness that she flaunts as her guiding principle to negatively affect and control the lives of others. So can they actually be separated.!<

    I’m wrong about this. Just because she’s a horrible person doesn’t mean her private life should become public. Other than her husband’s assault, nothing that was done should be a judgement against her and she doesn’t deserve to have everything aired in the public.

    And as an aside Zander Moricz, the kid from the video gives me hope and his graduation speech is well worth a watch. https://youtu.be/qpTVyozS7M0?si=ZSGIpcO8m8VPe6Ud