• woowwwlmao@lemmy.world
    11 months ago


    the amount of defense propagandists is honestly sickening on this thread. how about you guys roll this hard for things that actually help the people and not some malfunctioning stealth jet

    when we could easily just don’t omit selling our current arsenal. do you guys realize how vast out arsenal already is! how deep our ties are economically to our allies? that we make guns too that sell way faster than jets? like why are you so attached to a failing jet project?

    it’s honestly funny. and then I have all the like Lockheed Martin employees just down voting me because they don’t wanna hear that their prize project is actually garbage and more ‘justified’ defense spending lollololol.

    you guys are insane if you don’t already think our current k military is more than capable. I’m so sick of this arms race bullshit. you guys are fighting a ghost at this point. f35s ain’t gonna scare china. it’s not gonna scare russia. it’s just bs. and by the way… diplomacy is a thing too. sooo we could always try that.

    I’m just saying we don’t need another fucking jet. we just don’t.