
  • 0 Posts
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 28th, 2023


  • Thanks for all the work you do. The app has improved a lot.

    Small things that I notice to improve are:

    [Design issues]:

    • in fullwidth mode and with the dividers active, between the post and the first comment there is too big an empty space
    • the search bar and its buttons are too big. In addition, when you recall the elements of the main bar move slightly upwards

    [Bugs Report]:

    • still remains the bug in the search bar in the side menu which, if you close the keyboard, is not recalled by clicking again on the bar

    [Feature request]:

    • I would like a feature to report posts and comments
    • I would like a setting to have the top bar fixed when scrolling
    • I would the option to open links in an external browser didn’t apply to images

    Thanks again