Still a very green banana.

  • 3 Posts
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: July 4th, 2023


  • but what makes him qualified

    as a career politician what has he done to affect your life so much that y’all immediately want to suck him off so hard?

    was it the crime bills, the conservative far right immigration policies, his failed response to $7.25 minimum wage, was it women losing rights they have had for over half a century?

    or is it strictly because he is a democrat and likes the color blue?

    no the US does not need either of the two senile elders with mental decline

    yes that happens after a certain age and anyone who thinks these two are mentally capable or immune to laws of time have never had to take care an elder before

    Biden is 82 years old way past retirement and Trump is not far behind

  • how we get shitty choices

    people bend over to take it without even asking for their hair to be pulled or some lube or foreplay and beg for more while their ass gapes and bleeds

    neither Trump nor Biden have any business in this race and it goes to show that US voting is nothing more than bread and circuses

    when has any actual progress happened?

    women’s right’s, worker’s rights including living wages, healthcare, environmental policies, police reform, tax reform, education reform

    none of this happened the whole of Biden term in office nor in Obama’s or any democrat before that so why would they do anything different now

    if all people care about are letters and colors why even have an election we can all just go back to kindergarten while the country burns