Only know Ionos in DE but I can’t recommend it, the support is pretty bad.
Only know Ionos in DE but I can’t recommend it, the support is pretty bad.
Cool! Thought it’s like alternative.to but it’s actually finding free instances of Etherpad, Jitsu etc.
Denke, zwei drei Sätze zu jedem Eintrag wären relativ hilfreich. So ist es einfach eine lange Liste ohne Einblick was was ist.
Thanks. Admittedly my whole stack is in ipv4 anyways, my ISP also only supports ipv4 for some reason and then I never bothered to get into v6 for my local stuff.
Wasn’t aware importing your posts is a thing, even if it’s with its own tool - pretty cool!
If I wouldn’t run mastodon with a hand full of other people already, I’d probably set up GTS and migrate. Though I’d have to see what’s there on web interfaces currently, got pretty used to the mastodon multiple columns “advanced” interface.
Anyone having experience ipfire compared to PF/opnsense?
I’m using opnsense but it’s based on BSD and the hardware support for my PCengine APU2C4 NICs isn’t so great, I’ve read Linux based Firewalls might have better support (=performance=throughput). Only getting around 60MBs with plain firewalling, no IPS etc.
Opnsense seems to be much more feature complete though and all my searches for switching between them find only posts of people going from ipfire to opnsense.
Edit: NVM, missed the part where you disabled remote images.
Playing information ping pong. We sent them some issue with a lot of information and instead of actually investigating they often dragged on the whole thing by asking for details they should have themselves, taking hours-days to respond etc before they actually did something. We often had to escalate issues via our account manager.
This was all on enterprise support while I was working for a company that paid six figures each month for infrastructure in their data center.