• 3 Posts
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: July 11th, 2023


  • I can see from your reaction that you do not have a lot of experience with this type of thing. Not meaning to be insulting but your comment feels really naive. Jobs sometimes take 6+ months to come to a place where you can post it and get interviews. During that time lots of things can happen. In this case they needed a system administrator and during the 6 months it takes for HR to do their thing, we were given a mandate that we had to change direction as a whole and move out of the Datacenter and into the Azure cloud.

    So now we needed a system admin with Azure experience but our original job did not make that a requirement. They kept the job posting and interviews in hopes that one of the people they initially selected would be a fit but sadly none of them had exposure to Azure so we had to start over.

  • It’s probably more nuanced than the research can show. At my work, we had a job posting and interviews and selected candidates but the job description was written long before and the management wanted a different skill set (needed more Azure experience) and so basically that job posting never came to be. It’s still being reworked and maybe it’ll actually produce an FTE but it’s a fake job posting that wasn’t meant to be.

  • see… AM radio waves go up and bounce down, this makes it so they can travel farther and give you better reception when you are out in the boonies but the cost comes when the weather isn’t very good. FM broadcasts its waves in a more side ways that works best with line of site.

    This lady is clearly frightened of the AM talk radio and religious nut waves coming from they sky and not of the cool easy jazz and soft hits of the 60’s 70’s and 80’s