• 6 Posts
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 19th, 2023


  • We’ve been trained to react to sales more or less, since before Steam… but what, am I not going to get that AAA game for $8 that was $70 3 years ago? I mean it sucks balls, because all good AAA games don’t go down in value - in fact, if we look at Elden Ring, GTA, RDR2, they increase in price over time.

    If we had a piracy statistic, we’d probably see how much money publishers are losing at this strategy, and that the only way they can ever prevent piracy is by promoting authoritarian regimes that will take away your rights if there’s as much as an R2R file on your system.

    So yeah, the gaming market is dumb by default. When publishers cry their salty tears about their intellectual property being pirated, my eyes roll back into my head.

    You’re telling me a program you developed 8 years ago, that receives nominal updates, is still worth full asking price, even when the teams and the developers have moved on to other projects and you’re not actually putting that much money into it? Gtfo here. Oh no wait, that was rude. Let me rephrase.

    Awwwwww :3 piwacy owie, UwU? Maybe adjust pwicing? No? No sympathy for you, because I don’t have sympathy for grifters.

  • Here’s a careful reminder that “public domain” is not a worldwide thing ^^; in fact, very few countries have a public domain.

    In some cases, if you try to publish something as “public domain” from a certain country, it is invalid - because their judiciary does not define public domain as anything.

    It maybe considered public domain, until you die and someone wants that copyright, in which case the family takes precedent over the estate - full stop.

    There’s a difference between countries that have common law (US and UK) and those that have civil law (the Nordics), so yeah.

    But CC is valid license pretty much everywhere, with a few exceptions.

  • I’m wondering how much of that is just due to misinformation. You have to account for the widespread Zionist influence campaign that’s been going on for decades and that has cost millions.

    From Zionists traveling abroad, to Zionists flying people in. A family member got flown in some years ago and ever since they’ve been a propaganda machine in them selves.

    It doesn’t matter how many times I tell them that their talking points are factually wrong and framed in a manipulative way, because they themselves don’t understand it.

    Brainwashing, when done right, sets it claws into the human brain something fierce. This is more apparent in some countries than others.