He / They

  • 18 Posts
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 16th, 2023

  • I really like it’s progression of resource tiers, and it’s exploration mechanic that lets you delve into ruins to find artifacts that give you bonuses to town morale.

    It also has a nice pseudo-complex farming system, where you can manage the soil composition to favor different crops (or just choose to plant the crops that that area’s default soil lends itself to).

    It also has randomized maps, which I like to reload until I find one with an interesting layout.

    There is combat, but you can granularly control it, or disable it altogether (there are raiders, and wildlife like bears and wolves).

    It feels very laid back, which is my jam.

  • I bounced off of it, and went back to Farthest Frontier.

    I was not a huge fan of the way the villagers are accrued and assigned; it felt like they were trying to emulate Banished, but didn’t execute well on it.

    I did love the way you draw housing plots, and the ability to add extensions onto houses that have different bonuses (e.g. a chicken coop that gives eggs).

    I think if the city-builder+RTS hybrid aspect is very appealing to you, it’s one of the few out there. If you want a more traditional city builder, check out Farthest Frontier.

  • This defeatist, placatory attitude will ensure that we never make any progress.

    No one has ever been VP for FOUR TERMS, but that’s the hypothetical bar you set for her, because you assume that’s what it would take? Leaving aside that it’s an impossible ask anyways, being VP for 4 terms isn’t going to satisfy the “old fat white guys” anyways.

    Are misogynists gonna demand more of her? Yeah, of course. But don’t go setting the bar higher on their behalf, before they even say anything!

  • Regulations are not laws. They are the specific implementation mechanisms of laws.

    For example, Congress passes a law like the Clean Water Act. But that law doesn’t (and cannot feasibily) lay out every single individual rule necessary to ensure the clean water that it seeks to protect and provide.

    For example, it contains a section that requires Water Quality Standards to be set by each state, for themselves. However, if a state does not create them, the act authorizes the EPA to create a standard for them.

    That’s not the EPA “creating laws”, it’s the EPA implementing the congressionally-passed CWA.

  • I think what he means by “charismatic” is someone like Reagan who appeals to the other side of the aisle (Reagan Democrats in this case); Trump is only charismatic to his own followers.

    I don’t think working “across the aisle” is really what this is about; I think this is purely about voters’ perceptions of them as people. But in either case, Biden sure isn’t winning anyone over with his personality who wasn’t already firmly center-right Neoliberal.

    I consider the Afghanistan withdrawal to be, overall, a highly positive thing; yes, it was handled badly, but it’s the easiest thing in the world to keep a forever war going, and at least there Biden put a stop to it, so I give him high marks for that at least.

    Gaza and Afghanistan are polar opposite reactions, depending on what flank of the Democratic party you’re on:

    • Gaza is an unmitigated disaster to the anti-war/anti-genocide/anti-SetCol Left flank, and a moderate success to the pro-Israel/ pro-war Neoliberal Right flank.
    • Afghanistan is an unmitigated disaster to the pro-war Neoliberal Right flank, and a moderate success to the anti-war Left flank.

    Not trying to blindly defend Lichtman or anything, just trying to cling to whatever shred of hope remains.

    Understood. I guess for me my anger is more important right now, because this was so avoidable, and Trump feels like he’s close to coming back because of the DNC’s endless hubris (again). And I’ve already seen people trying to somehow blame the anti-genocide/ pro-Palestinian protesters for this over on Reddit, since they reflexively scapegoat any and all centrist Dem failures, and they don’t have a Bernie or Nader to scapegoat this time.