Again, explain why is that relevant.
All pronouns
Again, explain why is that relevant.
Explain why this comment is relevant.
Depends on what you mean by “being” American. It’s owned mostly by American institutions like Bank of America and Wells Fargo.
Milk has many uses.
Gravel ain’t cheap.
Well, yeah, it’s 4chan, that’s a given. What I’m trying to say is that it wasn’t some Good Will Hunting situation. It was competent people doing what they do for a living.
I hate how every article written about it seemed hell bent into trying to make it look like it was some random weeb who channeled his love for anime to come up with a proof when most people in that thread were mathematicians who knew exactly what they were trying to prove. The board is literally called Science & Math. Fucking journalists, man.
Not wanting to drink piss doesn’t mean you have to eat shit.
—Hey, how do I do this?
—Well, you need to know how to do it and then do it
So you’re that one guy that shows up out of nowhere and starts seeding when I’ve given up on a torrent. You’re doing God’s work.
I will always remember all of my engineering, chemistry and physics friends in uni complaining about how expensive all the shit they had to buy was and me being like
Someone that insecure would have fucked it up anyway.
It doesn’t have a proper dark theme in Windows so it let me down when it flashbanged me.
Yeah, in my experience private trackers are a bunch of petty tyrants with control issues. My experience is very limited as I’ve never been part of one on account of me telling them to fuck off.
That’s… not how the canaries worked.
He also says, Palestine supporters and Hamas supporters are, and I quote, one and the same.
Huh, I was sure he was behind the first game. Oh boy, that means nothing he made is good.
Is karma even a thing on Lemmy? Anyone? No? Yes? Ok, it doesn’t matter, I’ll take the hit if I have to: the only good thing Kojima did is Silent Hill. He’s a hack.
You were curious about something so you went and learned about it. Good for you. It still doesn’t explain why is the subject being brought up at all. You may not want to guess but I will: because the original commenter is a sexist prick.