I was really surprised how rivals got so toxic. Are you gonna yell at some cild playing a game that is geard towards children? Pathetic. I got yelled at as a solo healer with a team full of dps. I got yelled at for not having a lot of kills as tank. People start throwing games if they don’t like something. Ranked is the only game mode that is playable because of the bot matches. Ranked is also ass because it’s pretty easy to rank up, it’s less about skill and more about putting hours in. They have such a weird ranking system. People think they are hot shit because they are diamond or gm. But in overwatch terms, being diamond would be gold or silver.
I really like the idea of crypto. But i can’t fucking stand people who like crypto. I used to lure around crypto messaging boards around the time bitcoin blew up and before it crashed. Every other post was like: buy crypto, and use it, apes together strong. That kind of shit. And the next post: haha this loser bought a pizza for 20k dollars worth of bicoin.
It’s all around just prople pretending to hold btc and tell people to hold btc, just to sell everything as soon as it’s profitable