• 2 Posts
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 12th, 2023


  • I (unfortunately) live in this district, so heres my local insight/opinions. The incumbent for the district, Ken Buck, stepped down in March, so it’s all “new” challengers, 3 of which have been involved in state/local politics. The district has been Red since 2008. As another poster shared, 538 polling shows her losing to 2 of the three Dems running in the primary. Most of east rural Colorado is more '90s conservatives than tea party/MAGA conservatives, so they are likely to stay home and not vote for Boebert.

    Lines were redrawn after 2022 election which caused Boeberts current district to become more blue, and I think Adam Frisch has a good chance of winning, which means boebert has a shot at flipping two districts from red to blue. 538 doesn’t have any polling data for district 3 yet so this may just be a Lefty’s dream.

  • Great question! For the US, you will need a degree in Molecular Biology/Microbiology or a Medical (Laboratory) Technologist. You’ll then either need to live near the city where one of the few private companies that do wastewater testing ar e(my case), or live near a public health lab that does ww. Pretty much all state public health labs do it, but city/county level varies immensely. For the government route, look at APHL or NACCHO to find information on your local public health labs. There are a few universities that also do ww testing, for example I know University of Illinois, University of Missouri and Michigan State are all doing a bunch of wastewater work.

    Feel free to DM me if you want more information.