Had the same thought right after posting ( ͡~ ͜ʖ ͡°), updated.
Had the same thought right after posting ( ͡~ ͜ʖ ͡°), updated.
Hosted on github… Otherwise great list and very helpful
[Edit] Codeberg could be used for hosting this, based in Germany
I second this, have been using this as a daily driver on my laptop and PC, and I’m really enjoying it. Seems very very stable.
Thanks, and you’re absolutely right on the use of ai for something as important as this (in the meantime I’ve been reading up on this in more reputable sources). I was simply stunned with the answer and wanted to share how striking the resemblance is with what’s going on, but didn’t mean to imply it was authoritative.
Nonetheless I’m happy I shared because I probably wouldn’t have found those interesting links you shared.
No need to be sorry. I didn’t realise, in Dutch I don’t think that connotation stuck for the equivalent, meid. That simply means girl.
Oh sorry I went out and commented the same thing ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
Actually, Mädchen (meaning “girl” in German) is a diminutive. It comes from Magd (an old word for “maid” or “young woman”) with the -chen suffix, which is a common diminutive in German.
The -chen suffix makes words grammatically neuter, which is why Mädchen takes das instead of die, even though it refers to a female person.
I’m not German but the same applies to the Dutch word for girl, and we’ve the same rule for neutral. By the way, ‘magd’ in Dutch means virgin (maagd to be precise), which sounds incredibly inappropriate to be going around calling someone; little virgin (/¯ ಠ_ಠ)/¯
It does support nvidia, I’m running bazzite and its fine on my laptop with nvidia