“I’d put a stake through her heart and garlic round her neck to make sure she’d never come back”
“I’d put a stake through her heart and garlic round her neck to make sure she’d never come back”
Fuiam Catha by Oi Polloi from 1999.
Despite the Gaelic name, only one song is in Gaelic. The rest is in English.
Pro-environmentalism, anti-fascist, Scottish anarcho-punk.
Fuiam Catha means Sound of Battle.
The fucking Guardian, of all papers, is partially paywalled now. Either you give up your privacy, or you hand over money.
Any chance anyone has a workaround so I can read this?
Some of the newer style locks have a tray that you have to sit the coin in and slide the tray in. A bit like the OG PS2 disc tray. So unfortunately this tool isn’t universal.
But for the traditional slot on the front style, yeah, that’d be cool.