Gimli has many axes, including the one he grabbed from his buddy when he tried to destroy the ring.
Gimli has many axes, including the one he grabbed from his buddy when he tried to destroy the ring.
That’s a hard one to answer without losing anonymity. It’s with contextual searching, like X business in Y town, or looking up specific or niche software tools. I occasionally give Mojeek a fair shot, then switch away when I can’t find what I’m looking for. If you’d like, I’ll keep track of those instances and email you with examples, is that helpful?
I tried it out after getting a referral code from somebody I know granting a 3 month trial. I’ve been hooked. It’s the first search engine that has rivaled Google search, it’s so good. I’m often disappointed with DDG (switching to Google later to find what I need), and Mojeek never finds anything. SearXNG has been very close, but is essentially an aggregator, not exactly a Google replacement.
Kudos to Kagi for getting it right.
Something important to remember is how many great franchises or games were originally made by a very small (or “indie”) team. Zelda, Tetris, Mario, Minecraft, Sonic, Civ, and others. Each eventually either grew massively or were bought out by a bigger corporation later. Indie games may not be our savior, but so many mainstream games started out small. It seems to me that the smaller the team, the bigger the innovation.
Somebody is gonna try to fact check me on this, so I’ll just say my point is you can’t have a healthy gaming industry without a healthy indie industry too, IMHO.
Isn’t NMS already a kind of harvesting and crafting Minecraft simulator in space? Or is it the blocks?
The visual novelty of Android versions seems to have died out a long time ago. You may get the new features, but there won’t be anything new to look at.
It’s a big ask. HeliBoard and FUTO are actively in development so improvements will come. They’re also the best we have as far as privacy or open source alternatives go. They’ll either grow to fill the need for a perfect alternative or another project will, but not yet.
I’m not exactly sure who is behind all the Fossify apps but I’m impressed with their momentum.
I’m both surprised and not surprised. Considering I’ve purchased the game three times, maybe I shouldn’t be.
Is it possible that your phone is killing the VPN client to free up memory? Does it reconnect immediately upon reopening OpenVPN?
It’s fizzy water flavored by filtering juice through a balloon.
Deathbed by Relient K. Used to be one of my favorites, very heartfelt and bittersweet.
I’ve been using their GrayJay desktop app, and I’ve enjoyed it so far.
I haven’t checked out FreeTube but maybe this is the push I need.
I’ve had a good experience with GrayJay. It’s a bit young and missing features but it’s never broken for me.
Warcraft III: iseedeadpeople to remove fog of war.