pinguinu [any]

  • 1 Post
Joined 8 months ago
Cake day: November 4th, 2023


  • It has happened to me before, a few times. I don’t have a magical remedy for it, my only coping mechanism is that if it goes badly then it’s just people I’ll never come across again or would otherwise just be unable to recognize me after a while (it may sound stupid but it’s the only thing that gives me courage). That and getting prepared beforehand as if I was going (regardless of my feelings towards actually heading out), since I kinda feel it’d be a waste to spend time preparing and then not going.

  • To add to what OP said, the takeaway is that people should be taking politics elsewhere, making propaganda, picketing, whatever (of course, it’s better under a party, which would organize people in order to achieve some goals, but something, anything, is better than nothing). Electoralism didn’t achieve the 8-hour working day.

  • Um, if you like bell pepper and onion I can recommend coca de trampó. It’s like pizza a lot more oily and takes longer to bake. My bastardized version of the recipe is:

    • Chop 2 medium sized bell peppers (red and green or whatever you like), an onion and a medium tomato. You can chop them to strips or squares. Put everything in a bowl.
    • Add a bit of oil (should be olive oil but if it’s too expensive just use seed oil), enough to soak everything. Add sweet paprika. Add crushed tomato (like a cup or cup and a half, I normally add a whole can which is like 400g).
    • Mix that evenly.
    • While that macerates, make the dough by adding half a cup of oil and a cup of water.
    • Add flour while stirring so as to avoid lumps, until the dough doesn’t stick to the bowl.
    • Spread the dough in an oven plate (if you have a small oven like me you can make two)
    • Put that in the oven for like 10 minutes at 200°C, or until it you see the surface “solidify”.
    • Take out the plate and spread the vegetables over the base.
    • Put everything back in the oven for like 30-40 minutes depending on how hard you like the dough to be.

    Hey, it may be oily as hell but it’s so fucking good

    Unrelated to above: you should also have frozen vegetables in the freezer so that you can cook them quickly whenever you need. Also have cans/jars at hand for the same reason. If you cook something that takes long, go all in and make at least a kilo so you can store for later in the freezer. Get glass tupperware.

  • I haven’t heard of any stunningly brilliant and new economic systems being invented…

    You haven’t heard of any because they aren’t profitable, and so all capitalist propaganda is geared towards demonizing those systems or those who vouch for it, or denying they exist altogether.

    This is a socialist instance. We believe a planned economy managed by all workers is the only way for all people to have a dignified life. An example of this would be Cuba. In Cuba housing, food, education and healthcare are rights, to the point it has a higher life expectancy than the US, lower child mortality rate, and basically no homelessness. All under a 60+ year embargo by the US that is a mere 90 miles away.