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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 15th, 2023


  • Nintendo is one of the worst and most unethical companies on the planet. Would be nice if there was a community where people could share their hatred over Nintendo. The 4 horsemen of the apocalypse are basically HP, Apple, Nintendo and Nestlé. Fuck all shitty corporations but fuck those 4 in particular.

    I agree with you on Nestlé, but HP, Apple, and Nintendo don’t even make the top 50 “worst and most unethical companies on the planet”. You need put in companies like Union Carbide India Limited responsible for the Bhopal disaster, the big tobacco companies, a whole bunch of defense contractors, some other agribusinesses, and a bunch of banks.

  • I have a USA-centric view, and I’m not sure how old you are, but you don’t have to go back very far to have those same risk (or worse!) for different reasons.

    Like having casual sex can give lifelong diseases

    Social acceptance for seeking treatment is much better now than 20 or 30 years ago. Moreover, HIV was death sentence back then, not so much anymore with modern medicine. Even contraception was harder to get ahold of as a teen 30 years ago. Now if any teen needs contraception or birth control, there are many legal and legitimate ways for them to get it easily.

    the right wing bearing down on everyone’s freedoms (except theirs ofc),

    I love how far we’ve come in the areas social justice (and we have more do to here). 30 to 50 years being gay would render you a social outcast as a teen. Telling others you were an atheist may have got you disciplinary actions from your school. If we’re looking back 50 years, we’d be right on the edge of the end of the draft to be shipped off to the Vietnam war which happened to many 18 and 19 year olds. This says nothing about the negative experiences of people of color have received at the hands of law enforcement, justice system, an unequal treatment from the education system.

    I would never want to be a teenager now.

    I fully agree with you here. The biggest risk is for their childhood mistakes to follow them for the rest of their lives. After us old folks that didn’t grow up with forgettable childhoods die off, society will evolve to forgive youthful mistakes as it will be 100% of the population that has documented past mistakes they’re not proud of, but this current transition time will be painful for the younger generations.

  • Quote from the article applied at the relevant point of the prayer.

    The Narcissist’s Prayer

    That didn’t happen. <— “The people that you see leaving? Because nobody ever leaves,”-Trump

    And if it did, it wasn’t that bad. <— “people were actually lining up in the back for photos since he couldn’t pose for pictures earlier.”-Trump

    And if it was, that’s not a big deal. <— “And when they do, I finish up quick.” -Trump

    And if it is, that’s not my fault. <— Trump then suggested that his staffers were to blame for the apparent departures

    And if it was, I didn’t mean it.

    And if I did, you deserved it.

  • Now you’re citing two laws instead of one with selective enforcement which is what we were talking about.

    Ok how about murder? Guy murders someone by hitting them when he is drunk. Rich guy with a good lawyer and connections in the community gets community service, but the poor,

    Murder is one law. Someone convicted of murder isn’t getting community service. Someone could have murdered someone and been charged with a lesser crime for whatever reason, but then they’d be getting community service for whatever that lesser charge was, not murder. So the law for murder in your example isn’t flawed.

    black man with a pot possession misdemeanor when he was 15 gets life in prison.

    Pot possession is a different law, and I don’t know any state in the union that will give you 15 years in prison for one. A quick google search says 180 days in jail is the max for most misdemeanors and I found one reference that says that in 24 states the max is 1 year in jail (still not prison).

    Your examples are getting farther from relevance not closer. I think we’ve reached the end of productive conversation with one another on this topic so I’ll bow out. Thank you for talking with me up to now. Have a great day!

  • Will art matter when we’re all dead from climate change tho?? I guess everyone has their priorities

    I believe these antics hurt the advocacy for taking climate change seriously. Their vandalism protests confirm in the minds of the opposition that “climate change is fake because the ‘soup throwers’ are the ones driving it.”.

    Its similar to how vegans are dismissed not for their choices in diet but because of how they advocate others to do the same. People that want to go vegan have to do so in spite of the perception the most vocal vegans have created. Instead of accelerating adoption it creates a new barrier. Note, I’m not a vegan. See, I have to say that so I’m taken seriously in this response. That is how bad public perception of veganism is because of its most vocal advocates.