I have banned Samsung from my list of trusted electronics since long time ago, two cell phones that strangely started to behave erratic and slow exactly when the warranty expired. I don’t want to buy more programmed obsolescence BS.
I have banned Samsung from my list of trusted electronics since long time ago, two cell phones that strangely started to behave erratic and slow exactly when the warranty expired. I don’t want to buy more programmed obsolescence BS.
As many mentioned in the thread, early check-in is an alternative, when not possible, most hotels I’ve visited offer the service to store the luggage for free. I leave the luggage at the hotel and go for a walk, or stay at the lobby.
Cookie Auto Delete is a must for me, on Android and desktop
yes, audio jack is an important differentiator for me when I’m buying new phone
3 nominations for the Razzie?
I saw in a flight that the airline mistakenly sold the same seat twice, two persons were fighting for the same seat, and when the stewardess came to review, she saw the error, the flight was oversold and the second man needed to leave the plane.
getting lost
I received a friendship request on Facebook from a friend, picture matched, 30 common friends, so I accepted. Next day he wrote me, that he was sick of strep, but now is fine, I said sorry, then he asked “have you applied for the NEH government fund? they help people that do social labor”. As I do some kind of social labor I asked what was that, he asked me to contact the NEH official, this second guy asked my address to check if I was a potential receiver, I gave my address, he said “yes, you can apply” please send me this filled form. I got suspicious, went back and asked my friend “have you contacted Rose again? the consultant we met at Berlin?”. He answered, “no, no further contact with her”. We have never been together in Berlin or known any Rose. So, I reported the fake account to facebook, contacted my friend and let him know about the fake so he can also report it, and adviced him to notify the other 30 common friends on the list.
please don’t go with a boner
we will rock you with a boner
don’t stand so close to me with a boner
nothing else matters with a boner
I’d do anything for love with a boner
wait, have I been using the wrong one? 👃
Nah Occam’s razor is that he’s senile
The Simpsons
you don’t need to be on X too be touched by that, X is the media to create a “thinking”, people talk and share the fake news in other platforms
ah yes, a “bug”
I think this article can help you https://www.newvisiontheatres.com/spotify-shuffle-plays-same-songs
On desktop because of multi account containers On Android I use Vivaldi
overpriced, jailed