just a brazilian boy that dreams in red

  • 27 Posts
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 30th, 2023


  • there was that one time in high schools that i used a small sock that didn’t cover the achilles tendom, it burned my skin from friction alone, after that i always make sure that my socks are high enough to cover all my feet.

    the problem in having with the boot is that it is a bigger size and it has a shitty insole so my feet wiggle inside and the sole is hard, so that makes my feet hurt like fuck, also i walk a lot during shift to grab materials and whatnot and there isn’t a place to sit nor time, i will put a distance calculator on my phone to see how much i walk daily.

  • thanks for the tips, i will get the correct size shoes and some decent insoles, one day and my feet already hurt. i will see about protein at home, since the factory forbids the entrance of any liquid due to problems with workers drinking alcohol on shift, the least we can do is bring empty water bottles and fill with water inside the factory.

    as for hearing im comfortable since i don’t work close to machines. when picking up things i squat, so it doesn’t hurt my back

  • i with queer on this one, u should keep then from smartphones and similar due to it is not a reward for good behavior, it is a sedative to keep your child under control, and that is bad parenting, specially with how internet works now with shorts videos, content farm sewage, my nephew watches this i’m horrified with what i’ve seen.

    ofc, today we can’t shut someone off completely off screens nor play the reactinary macho that started to hunt dear at the age of 3, u can let him watch cartoons, movies or play video games, on tv ofc and for a limited time per day, consume stuff that is mind engaging instead of dopamin bombs we have on internet. and depending turns it into a bonding activity, like watch a movie together, play video games, discuss the movie after and so on.

    but as queer said, focus primarily on physical stuff, going outside, specially with other children, estimule the habit of reading since a early age, it will be helpful in life.

  • if they cause any damage, instead of going berserk on the child then clean it up, make the child repair the damage while explaining things. even tho force is a no, moral punishment is fair game, like temporally not permitting x activity or object due to poor behavior. and lastly going the other way around, reward good behavior without spoiling the child, to maybe create in him a sense of being productive instead of paranoia from being punished for small things.

    idk, maybe I’m just projecting how i wanted to the raised because i was raised like a inmate, looked the wrong direction get the stick, instead of this turning me in to a upstanding person the only things i learned was to shut myself in, lie, cheat and wiggle my way out of situations to avoid punishment.

    anyway i think you gonna do great, since you are showing concern now, instead on winging it and possibly taking revenge on what was done to you on your own child.

  • orientalism + drpk achievements like repelling us invasion, the country surviving the fall of east/socialist block but didn’t manage to fully win the war to reunify the country like vietnam, so it’s at a war state and doesn’t take take many tourists from the west, adding all up, its easy to make up bullshit because now one will bother to check, the most wacky lies are taken as truth automatically.

    one good example of this was a brazilian blogger that as a prank, made up that north korea was saying to it’s citizens they won the 2010 soccer world cup with ridiculous scores and literally no one bothered to check, the “news” got replicated all over the west, when it was found that it was a prank the drpk embassy sent a thank you letter to him for exposing how shit western media was. it is a very interesting case.

  • sadly yes, they are having a hard time shaking off british colonial laws, even tho culturally is very open to homosexuals, trans and even non-binary, i do need to read properly if this stems from confucianism or taoist and other local religions.

    i watch a guy that lives there, he says that basically the country is governed by old man, but the communist youth is coming in strong, so in the future in can expect advances.