I hear they’ve given up on making autonomous versions of these, so you still need a full crew.
Oh no, you!
I hear they’ve given up on making autonomous versions of these, so you still need a full crew.
Yeah, that’s probably the one.
Remind me what the holiday I saw was about again? I think it was around October. Celebrations seemed to last several days.
I visited KSA when they celebrated a national holiday a few months ago. EVERYONE had flags on their cars. This guy probably didn’t want to look less patriotic.
Could work if the turbine, fuel, weapons, and other heavy components are placed in the front, leaving the aft to be mostly a hollow tube.
Applying trim is going to be a bitch, though. Stability around center of pressure is going to be abysmal, so you better not subject that thing to any high (>0.00001º) AoA.
Showing up on Oryx any day now
Hmmm. Nice Sten-15 you’ve git there… it would be a share if someone bullpupped it…
Snorblite, pecause I actally understand and can debug perl.
Libsnorble as a close second.
/me slaps Maven around a bit with a large trout
Never understood why mIRC had a builtin for that.
I’ll share with you this gem from someone who tried to cause a syntax error on purpose, but the script ran just fine: https://stackoverflow.com/questions/11695110/why-is-this-program-valid-i-was-trying-to-create-a-syntax-error
Columns are for millenial hipsters. Make Line Formations Great Again!
Yep, we all know that the correct approach is to stick those tubes into your nostrils and see if you can smell jet exhaust in the distance.
It’s Rimworld, so making hats out of guests is kind of mandatory.
The sad part is that Musk actually believes this. AI + “a wizard will do it” defeats night and/or clouds, apparently.
Of course they are. Forcefully so, but still volunteers.
You caught my attention. What are the names of those two extensions?
Or walking. I’ve been to a few US cities, and the common denominator for all of them is that walking anywhere isn’t really an option. Sure, you can’t always walk A to B in most cities, but at least European cities have public transit to cut down on the distance, necessitating only two short walks to and from a transit station.
Observation: Saudi Arabia is heading down a Houstonian path. There was one pedestrian bridge near me, and outside of that one, getting anywhere involved strategic jaywalking to cross freeways. At least they seem to have a decent bus network, though.
I don’t wear a beanie, that explains why I keep failing upwards.
Same. But at least UO was great.
Same. I see the notifications and think “Oh no, here it comes…”
Usually it’s surprisingly positive, but I skim the negative ones, and even think to myself “Yes, I do on fact mean exactly that”, but I can’t be arsed to respond.