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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 9th, 2023


  • Sorry if I unnecessarily jumped down your throat comrade. It just sounded like you were, “wah, the Russians are saying they are French soldiers, the French are saying they are freelance citizens”. Maybe I’m just jaded, but I don’t believe western governments anymore. BUT, I will admit that I also didn’t trust the state department when they were saying Russia was going to invade Ukraine any day either, so what do I know. My assessment was that Putin was smart and that it wouldn’t be easy and that they would incur heavy losses, so they wouldn’t do it. It turns out I was wrong and after those heavy loses, Russia is gaining the upper ground. I guess living in the west, and knowing how much of our tax dollars is fueling the MIC, that I thought our weapons were a little more capable than they are turning out to be. My main point is that we are all subject to propaganda, myself included. And we are heavily propagandized in the west, so pervasively that we don’t even realize it. Either way, listen to both sides, make an assessment of those sides based on evidence and materiel conditions. If I had to wager a $1000 on it right now, my money is on everyone on that list is a French special force being funded directly by whatever is the French equivalent of the CIA is.

  • Here, I’ll break it down for your lib brain hopped up on western propaganda. These are French special forces just like US special forces have “served” in Ukraine. They are essentially spies trying to assist Ukraine, operating under the presumption that if they are captured they deny any official involvement with the French government. The Russians know this, the Ukrainians know this, the NATO allied western forces know this, especially the US because NATO is the US. Russia is calling it out because it’s an obvious provocation to war. It’s just you that aren’t clued in, and the state department’s talking points are that they aren’t part of an official operation because, gasp!, that would mean we are at war with Russia. Nah, it’s still just another proxy war, one of many in a long line dating back to immediately after WWII.

    I doubt it will lead to another WWIII, but Russia is going to use it for their propaganda because it also happens to be true. Wait, you do realize that all governments and media do propaganda all the time, right?

  • I know that you don’t know and that’s what’s so frustrating. I’m so sick of you holy than thou liberals. You really are more despicable than conservatives who are simply lizard brain sadists. Simply look at how many deaths we are responsible for compared to LITERALLY EVERY OTHER COUNTRY OR HORRIFIC REGIME EVER. How much suffering we are responsible for, how many people we have incarcerated compare to LITERALLY EVERY OTHER COUNTRY IN THE WORLD. How many homeless people we have, children suffering from food insecurity, racial disparities at all levels of society from access to education, housing, food. How everyone is always toiling away so that they don’t end up homeless and on the streets. Medical debt, educational debt. Things that don’t even exist in actual civilized societies. And that’s not even touching the surface of our horrific foreign policy since our existence. Constantly looking for new people to enslave and exploit.

    I’m tired of making excuses for ignorant liberals after seeing their reaction to Oct. 7th. Yeah, you’re the pathetic product of your material conditions, but if you can’t see that you are the German populace quietly supporting the Nazi regime in 1930s Germany then truly history is meant to repeat itself.

  • Honestly, reading your post and not knowing or seeing this apparently overt racism which you refer to, the first thought that comes to my head is, this is obviously a CIA or FBI agent. You mention purposely posting extreme strawman comments and then surprise pikachu facing when it’s upvoted. If I read a comment on here about mass sterilization of all white people, I might upvote it assuming it was a joke. And I’m white. Live in the imperial core. If you yourself are a privileged white person living in the imperial core, which I assume is so based on this post (although my money is still on you being a Fed), then maybe when you see a brown person genuinely calling for your death, then maybe you should stop and think about why they would think that. In the meantime, stop the leftist infighting and trying to sow division. Plus you explicitly say that Marxism is about “violent revolution”. I’m personally in favor of exploiting any means to enact my political agenda. I strongly favor non-violence largely as a self preservation tactic. And as has been the case in any revolution, the level of violence will be determined by the oppressive force.

    Not today CIA, nice try FBI

  • Hahahahahahahaha, oh that’s a good bit. I have never seen better proof of “cut a liberal and a fascist bleeds” than when it comes to Ukraine and Israel. Zelensky came to power after a right wing coup orchestrated by the CIA, his corrupt government has pilfered billions of dollars in aid, and he’s suspended elections. I can’t wait for a couple years from now when these same libs are making excuses for Trump suspending elections and the Supreme Court eliminating presidential term limits.

  • Once x86 macOS became stable around snow leopard I switched from Linux to macOS full time on my mobile machines. For years home brew was a shining light to get a decent tool chain installed to be able to do development. But somewhere around the time they changed to naming macOS releases after places in California, both home brew and macOS started changing in ways that made it harder to maintain a stable development environment. Why and when did it start deciding to upgrade every package I have installed when I try to install a new package? It regularly broke both mine and our developers’ machines and I finally had enough of both. Stay away from home brew if you want your working development environment to continue working 6 months later. It WILL break when you need it most and cost you hours if not days of work to fix. I’ve never ran home brew on Linux but it’s honestly not anything I would ever consider even when it worked well.

  • How about this? Once you reach $1b in cash and assets, regardless of where that cash and assets are parked, you get a trophy saying “Congratulations you did it!”, and then we take the remainder of your cash and assets and use it for the advancement of humanity. Providing food, water, and shelter for every human being on the earth. We use it to build high speed rail and local transit infrastructure that is free or low cost. We can even name them after you and put up statues. We use it to provide healthcare and education to everyone. At the end of every year, if you have >$1b in combined cash and assets then you get to fill out a form saying which combination of the cash and assets you want to keep up to $1b, and the rest is given to the state.

    This is the peaceful, “reasonable” option that even liberals should be able to get behind. But they will make excuses about how they deserve it and the policy is wrong even as they are being exploited.

  • I’ll take the downvotes as a sign that I am an out of touch millennial when it comes to present day F1. Don’t worry, I’ve already unsubscribed, I’m done. But for a moment, imagine a sport that was the true pinnacle of Motorsport. There is a “formula” for the car. For example, it has to be open wheel, it can produce X amount of horsepower or KWh, open cockpit but you keep the halo or anything else for safety, it has to fit within these limits for minimum and maximum length and width, and there are a whole list of specific restrictions to prevent expensive loopholes previously found in the rule set that led to meaningless arms races for tenths of a second. But otherwise you let teams go wild. Maybe a budget cap, but why not turbo charged V-6’s against naturally aspirated V-10’s against electric motors all producing the same amount of energy? Make it a true engineering sport where the top automotive engineers in the world along with the top drivers in the world try to produce the fastest car within the formula. Make the formula able to be broadly interpreted to encourage real innovation and each year reevaluate the rules allowing the participants to vote equally to encourage more equitable competition from year to year and to discourage expense explosion. As the costs for new technology comes down, re-evaluate whether it should be reintroduced or whatever. You know what fans want to see? Top drivers racing in the same car on their favorite tracks. You know what makes good, natural, relatable, exciting drama? Engineers, drivers, professionals operating at their peak. The rules should encourage that, and if the owners want to spice up the “show”, why not also support the classic tracks that fans love by having extra spec races on Saturdays? It can carry points, but make it actually exciting to watch instead of a mediocre repeat of what we are going to see on Sunday. This shit is just off the top of my head by a disaffected fan for the last decade that can come up with better ideas to improve the sport while I am half drunk and high than the owners that have turned it into little more than professional wrestling for billionaires, oligarchs, and authoritarians. I guess it’s always been that, but damn, at least it used to be more entertaining.

  • So awesome having qualifying on a Friday while people are working. Thank you Liberty Media for ruining F1. I used to watch every minute of every session, preseason testing when they bother to film it, follow off season rumors, you name it since 2011. This year I promised myself I was done with F1 but have mostly followed qualifying results and even watched a few first laps and final laps. But there’s been what? One race worth watching this season. I bet everyone subscribed here can name it. Maybe this is what people want, the viewership numbers and money seems to be pointing to so, but the sport has left me behind at some point in the past five years.