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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 24th, 2023


  • Wordpress. Or some other hosted blog/cms.

    Yes you can go crazy with SSGs or write your own site but especially if it’s rare that you will blog/update then it’s way better to just use something off the shelf. That’s what I’d do as a software developer. Heck I paid for a static site with a simple web UI to update it just last week to serve as the marketing site for my software product (that I wrote from scratch).

    Unless you enjoy tinkering and know programming I would shy away from the SSGs. I used them for years and now I self-host Ghost and even that I’m considering just paying someone else to do since it’s not how I want to spend my time (maintaining it).

  • “Camera”, “Web Browsing”…. In name only.

    I had the phone pictured in the post. I even activated the browser. It was 100% trash. WAP sites and browsers were nothing like even the first iPhone. That’s what made the iPhone such a shock, no one had browsed the web like that on a phone before and it was, no exaggeration, a game changer.

    As for the camera the first iPhone camera was garbage comparatively but still was better than most if not all flip phones. I have picture back from when I had that phone pictured in the post and they are a grainy mess.

  • How is it that all these comments miss the fact that there are zero leaks from the board (even anonymously) that this is the case? This is so clearly a move by Altman and his supporters to chum the waters and make the board look incompetent (when there is no evidence to corroborate it). “People in the know” is what you say when you can’t be more specific and could literally be any from my Altman himself to disgruntled employees. You can bet your bottom dollar if they had a real line into the board you’d give something much less wishy-washy.

    Stop reading headlines as facts people.

  • Dealing with this now at work. Got a dev whose time in the industry should make him a senior dev but he gives off massive junior vibes.

    • The need to change everything he touches

    • Wanting to write clever code over straightforward code

    • Everything “needs” a refactor

    • Just deprecates things when he doesn’t want to learn them and writes a new implementation without updating old code

    • Thinks he knows best while not understanding huge swaths of the codebase

    • Everything he can’t understand in <5 min is stupid and wrong

    If he was less competent (when kept in a box and closely monitored) I’d be pushing even harder to get rid of him.

  • Except they were too stupid to do it for the only change that mattered to a lot of us, API pricing/access to the full Reddit.

    I was ready to pay up to $15/mo but after they way they treated the Apollo dev and the fact that for all intents and purposes Apollo was Reddit for me by the end. I’d been on Reddit since the start and used many clients but Apollo was the best and I couldn’t go back to the official or any of the clients that put up with what Reddit did.

  • Proton and Rosetta 2 are two totally different beasts. One allows windows programs to run on non-windows hosts and one translates x86 to Arm.

    I’m not aware of Proton doing anything like Rosetta 2 and if it did Steam would have probably used an Arm chip in their Steam Deck instead of an x86.

    Maintaining 2-way compatibility doesn’t seem like an important goal. One way, x86->Arm, sure but not Arm->x86. Apple clearly sees x86 as a dead end for its own product lines and we will see if the rest of the industry follows suit over time. Of course there is a ton tied up in x86 but aside from legacy apps or games I don’t have much need of x86 in my life.

    Even the servers I run are trending towards Arm due to the power savings. AWS graviton stuff is like ~25-30% cheaper than x86 last I looked