so what if it’s 100x slower /nosarc
so what if it’s 100x slower /nosarc
so does zfs, so does wayland, so does trying out every distro, so does trying out every text editor and associated plugins, so does trying out ventoy, so does GrapheneOS, …
Everything makes life easier, but comes down to,
Linux isn't free, it costs you your time
Which can be reframed, what do you really want to spend your time on?
If i really really really had to answer that overly honestly, want:
my GUI apps non-blocking on heavy background processes
distributing out tasks to many computers and runners
None of which screams or necessitates systemd or zfs or wayland or trying out every distro, every text editor every plugin, ventoy, or GrapheneOS.
Not in a house with a fox with a crow and a bow a knot on a cot or relaxed in the snow, i will not eat never ending random suggestions Sam, i will never eat them Sam i am.
There is lots of complexity creep. And i’m one person with a finite lifespan. So had to decide what to spend time on.
systemd is ideal for those running servers. I’m publishing Python packages and wanted to keep focused on that.
If you wish to work for me for free, cuz i have zero access to labor or funding, to upgrade my tech infrastructure, i could be a useful person to know.
Especially if you believe strongly i should be running much better infrastructure.
i ditched Ubuntu for Void Linux LXDE. Void Linux has runit rather than systemd
This predates snapd
Disclaimer: you have to setup the wifi and enable logind
from multiprocessing import Lock l = Lock()
flake8 … way too ambiguous