Welcome! I’m a n00b but I’m having fun so far, and I’m interested in the responses you get here as I’m learning as I go!
I am very keen on standalone devices that don’t need a phone to function but haven’t explored that functionality as yet. I got a bunch of T1000-E’s for giving to local friends to test with and as an EDC, and a Station G2 as a home base station (haven’t got a keyboard for it yet but with that it becomes standalone with the canned message module). The T1000-E is super easy to set up and good to demo to people who aren’t too techy that might be interested. The station g2 needs more power but comes with a pretty good stock antenna. I’ve ordered a couple of the SenseCAP Indicators (currently backordered) as they look like they miiight be standalone(?) with the advanced firmware which doesn’t have a release date yet, and look fun even if not.
We only have a small mesh of 3 in our little town but my two friends are both into radio and way more experienced than me, and I think they are both impressed with the ease of use, and one is super keen and going to get a Station G2 as he can use it for HAM stuff too as he is licensed.
For their size the T1000-E’s are impressive, I think for many people they are the most practical EDC but folks will often have something else as a base station on their roof.
It would be very cool if someone were to release a mobile phone with LoRa built in.