TLDR: Keep your firewall – or any device directly connected to the internet – up to date. Not doing that can have serious consequences.
TLDR: Keep your firewall – or any device directly connected to the internet – up to date. Not doing that can have serious consequences.
The Justice Department made the argument that persons in the country illegally are not subject to the jurisdiction of the US.
Wow. That is the stupidest possible argument. It’s also completely disingenuous but in a mindblowingly idiotic way.
Stamina: 8/10
Speed: 5/10
Armor: 0/10
Say what you will but donkeys are steadier and less temperamental than horses. They are also great at protecting your livestock from predators.
Maintenance costs are going to be astronomical and you’ll be locked into only having it serviced by the dealer.
“If we say that we have no sin, we deceive ourselves and the Trigonometry is not in us.”
Thanks for all the work you and the rest of the mod team do to keep this instance great. I appreciate the transparency on the operating costs and the opportunity for the rest of us to contribute.
What, if anything are you doing to help shield yourself against any personal liability? I’ll admit I have exactly zero knowledge of Canadian law on the subject so I have no idea what what the implications are. I’m mostly just curious.
I also wondered what kind of rock OP lives under. I use email every day, multiple times per day. I probably send more emails than texts.
Don’t worry. We’ll totally fix all of them soon. Promise. Hand to God. They definitely will not be here five years from now.
I would like to once again thank the motion picture and recording industry associations for their contributions to both the sophistication of media piracy and the quality of content.
Without their efforts, we would probably all still be playing Russian Roulette on Limewire for a low quality copy of Zoolander. The first person to record a movie on Betamax would probably shit themselves if they could have seen what could be accomplished with some arrogance, incompetence, and blind greed. There’s no doubt that you guys are the real MVP when it comes to promoting media piracy.
The anti-piracy industry couldn’t be more Mickey Mouse if it were run by the Marx Brothers.
Do yourself a favor and don’t stick with these kind of employers. I’ve only worked for one company where I had to routinely send CYA emails. Should have resigned the second I figured out that the CEO was morally bankrupt and my boss was a spineless jackass who refused to stand up to him. I don’t miss that job one bit.
Nearly anything can serve as a shelf in a pinch.
Wonder if this will go like it did for the Taliban and a bunch of them will get all depressed by the mundaneness of having to punch a clock in the government bureaucracy they just inherited.
It’s like a dog that finally catches the car and has no idea what it’s actually in for. Toppling governments is easy. Running them is hard.
Can I up vote this more than once? Quality print journalism is absolutely vital and it will die without the support of its readers.
Personally I like a happy medium. Our 2200 sqft house is plenty big for our family of five. Any bigger and I would have a hard time maintaining it by myself. Larger houses definitely require more effort to upkeep.
We like having a little room to spread out or entertain guests. I also love having my shop in the basement. That was something I really missed when I didn’t have it for a few years.
It’s a personal preference that really depends a lot on your lifestyle, hobbies, and what you can afford.
We still have a landline (technically VoIP) phone. There’s also a list of important phone numbers written on the fridge. Good for emergencies.
There are few things more nerve wracking than frantically trying to find your cell phone and the number for poison control after your kid just swallowed something they shouldn’t have.
NGL, at first I was kind of concerned that you had a “geyser” so close to your house until I realized it was probably another term for what my American brain calls a “water heater”.
Someone else suggested a water softener which would help a lot. Aside from that, does your geyser have a sacrificial anode? If so, when was the last time you replaced it?
Friendly reminder that Eddie Lampert effectively drowned Sears Holdings (Sears & Kmart) in the bath tub. He single-handedly wiped out two major retailers, hundreds of smaller ones, and tens of thousands of jobs in one of the most successful corporate raids ever executed.
What a greedy shit bag.
My MIL: “They better not be singing the ‘black national anthem’ again.”
Me: “I know, right? I don’t understand why some people think they need to sing hymns at the super bowl.”
My MIL: Visible confusion