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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: July 10th, 2023


  • I would argue violation of our constitutional rights is worth more, and if you have a problem that it’s tax payers paying it and not cops, end qualified immunity, make cops carry liability insurance so when cops do fucked shit like attacking fundamental rights our country was founded on its not tax payers paying. The best way for the aclu to get that from government is by getting as much money from the tax payers as possible so when their state our county cant fix roads or keep schools open they can point to all the money spent settling lawsuits from shit cops and then maybe tax payers might start wanting cops to be liable for their shit behavior

  • You absolutely can vote for anyone you want, that is your right…but two of the options make you a complete utter moron and one shows you understand the game we are all playing, but you go vote 3rd party and if I hear you bitch about Trump turning the united states into a Christo fascist country I will pat you on the back saying you did this good job you dumbass

  • Stop being friends with the enemy, call out bitch McConnell for the pathetic evil bastard he is instead of saying he is your friend, bam instant 100 million views, say you don’t support israel… bam viral. This shit is easy. Talk about how every republican is a foreign agent aligned with our enemy russia, booom… viral. Shotgun a bud light for Trans rights boom viral. Fucking have a heart attack and die… boom viral. Get a infectious disease boom viral. I could go all day. Or just hear me out Pokémon go to the polls.