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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 14th, 2023

  • You make a good distinction. In my opinion this question can be answered in two ways:

    • A movie that holds up being just as good on a rewatch.

    • Movies where you either pick up on clues/details on further rewatches once you know the full movie. Or that are just so dense/layered that you just can’t catch everyrhing the first time you watch it

  • Bin kein Experte auf dem Gebiet, aber wenn ich mir den Wikipedia Artikel zum Budapest Memorandum anschaue, dann sehe ich da schon einen deutlichen Unterschied. Es scheint ja sogar generell in Frage zu stehen ob sich daraus überhaut rechtliche Verpflichtungen ableiten lassen.

    Punkte 1-3 und 5 Zielen nur darauf ab, dass die Unterzeichner selbst nicht gegen die Ukraine vorgehen. Nummer 6 ist nur dazu da eventuelle Unklarheiten zu klären und wirkt mir eh so schwammig, dass er faktisch wertlos (es ist nicht geregelt was bei unterschiedlichen Auslegungen geschieht).

    Nur Punk 4 hat mit der Verteidigung gegenüber einem Dritten zu tun. Aber tritt anscheinend nur in Kraft, wenn Atomwaffen auch tatsächlich genutzt werden. Was ja zum Glück bis jetzt nicht der Fall ist.

    Ich weiß jetzt nicht wie ein Schutz nach Israel-Modell im Einzelnen aussähe, aber ich gehe schwer davon aus, dass dieser sehrviel weitreichender wäre.

  • Another issue with YouTube is that media, especially video is vastly more resource demanding than anything mostly text based.

    With something like Twitter or Reddit (as long as you don’t directly host all media) the quality and importance of each post relative to it’s resources needed don’t really matter that much.

    Especially with high bitrate video footage on the other hand it does matter. So having a drive for profit somewhere in the chain does in someway help shape the system to be viable financially.

  • Sehr passender Post, ich bin selber gerade am suchen nach länger geschnitten t-shirts (bei denen man nicht gleich bauchfrei wird, wenn man die arme hebt).

    Habe ein Sammelsurium an T-Shirts die sich so angesammelt haben und die einzig guten (American Apparel XTall crewneck tee), von denen ich mir mehr kaufen würde, gibt es leider nicht mehr.

  • Is there any actual benefit for so much RAM in a phone? Outside of a higher number for marketing and increasing the price? And does this also increase power consumption or is there any benefit to more RAM that counteracts that?

    Personally i am still waiting for phones to become proper desktop replacements, in which case i’d maybe see more use in this. They already have more than enough performance for the average user, since 9/10 people probably just browse the web and do some general office work.

  • You are right that the tech-savy can extend their longevity through custom ROMs, but that isn’t for the average user. And you shouldn’t have to resort to that to begin with.

    The update policy just makes otherwise great phones become obsolete (in some ways) way too fast.

    Sony smartphones for example are imo great in many ways (e.g. still retain the headphone jack and sd card slot) outside of being pricey. Yet they only get 2 years of updates (and maybe slightly longer security updates). That’s just not acceptable in any world. Especially when you might not want to buy them at lauch price, since unlike iphones you can get decent discounts on androids for older models.

  • That has to be the biggest factor by far. I got my pixel 6a for around 300€ total with a mobile plan (free calls, sms and a small amount of data)

    Does everything I and realistically the vast majority of people need it for. And you can get perfectly usable phones for even less.

    There is no way apple can beat that value, even if their update policy and thus longevity is one of the few things I envy.

    Also many benefits of the iphone imo rely on being invested in their ecosystem.