I’m Canadian so that sounds like a shit ton to me.
I’m Canadian so that sounds like a shit ton to me.
He truly is the dumbest fuck of all dumbfucks that’s ever lived.
Anyone with a time machine here? Need you to go back to Feb 18, 1968 and talk his mother into terminating her pregnancy.
Jfc. Someone buying 2000 fucking rounds for an AR-15 didn’t set off alarm bells???
Holy fuck America!
The link goes to a CNN article about a shooting.
You need to fix this please.
I hope with all my heart that one day soon Netanyahu and his IDF are tried, convicted and sentenced to death in the Hague for murder and crimes against humanity.
Fuck Bibi and his murderous minions, the IDF.
Iirc fentanyl/carfentanil ODs often require multiple doses.
A dude I’d gone to school with tracked me down and started stalking me. The first time he showed up at my door he talked just like that. Seemed he’s ended up on heavy drugs on the street and developed some severe psychosis.
Gotta say it was super weird reading that.
I gotta be honest here … I used to only buy free range but since I can’t work anymore, and my fixed income is barely making it, I’ve had to go back to regular eggs … especially with meat being so gd expensive.
I hate having to do that but I have no other options now. I wish our gov’ts would clamp down on capitalism and grocery pricing like they should be doing.
Boris Johnson, second only to Donald Trump, for the insipid dumbfuckery they both exhibit in excruciating detail.
Too bad they couldn’t be the ones stuck on a space station for a few decades.
And force the companies to fund the land remediation 100% of the time.
And right after Cathy Merrick said this she collapsed and died in front of the Winnipeg courthouse.
It is a tax-funded privately-owned hell.
Maybe I’ll watch the highlights or something 'cause I can’t stand Trump’s voice, his meandering and the bullshit he spews. His mere existence just pisses me off to no end.
Cage-free just means they’re packed into barns instead of cages. (I know this because I worked on a farm like this).
Organic means they haven’t been fed growth hormones or antibiotics.
Free range means they’re outdoors eating seeds like grandpa’s farm chickens do. Outdoor chickens tend to be healthier (for obvious reasons) and virus/bacterial infection rates are much lower for the same reason.
Because he jumped while in the stratosphere (middle level of 3-level atmosphere surrounding the earth). Therefore he didn’t have to manage the friction and heat that space shuttles have to endure when they enter the uppermost mesosphere, then stratosphere, then troposphere.
Yup. The whole Irving empire is just one big cesspool that should be broken up.
Makes you wonder if the feds shouldn’t just shut down the massive cage operations and force every producer to raise free range only. 🤔
“Grab 'em by the weave.”