epicspongee [they/them or he/him]

Sponge. But epic.

  • 6 Posts
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 13th, 2023


  • That’s not true at all. Look at any post about landlords or Zelenskyy or “bourgeoisie”. Count the number of pictures or references to guillotines.

    This is like a children’s picture book-level of understanding of the differences between these. This same group of people are responsible for getting you things like healthcare, or the 8 hour work week, or fucking paid vacation. Maybe listen to them and read a little more before posting dumbass takes like this.

  • I live in Chicago lmao. I take the red line regularly. I go allllllllllllllll around the city and have never once had a problem here. The only reason why you hear about crime or shootings as much as you do in the news is 1) because it’s already been sensationalized, and that sets the pattern, and 2) the entire Chicagoland area (including the suburbs, which get news stories blown up too) has a population of about 11.5 million people. Statistically for even a murder rate as low as Chicago’s is (and it’s not even in the top 20 most violent cities in the country), shit’s just going to happen.

  • I think as we start defederating and making decisions we are setting up a dangerous situation where it becomes potentially easy to defederate for the wrong reasons.

    Mastodon has operated this way for years and it’s worked out really well. They’re currently at 12 million or 13 million users right now. Read my comment I wrote on it here. Basically all the Nazis flee to the Nazi servers because they can’t follow or subscribe to their fellow Nazis or talk about Nazi stuff. So they leave. This makes it safer for users and easier for mods to keep their users safe.

    And like… sure, there’s drama. People defederate for dumb reasons. But Mastodon accounts are portable and you can hop around from server to server easily. And 99% of the time people don’t defederate for no reason.

    Some religions and communities might have beliefs that appear to be pseudoscience or even discrimination.

    This is often because they are. My old fundamentalist Christian cult I grew up in was incredibly homophobic. They ‘looked’ like they had beliefs that were discriminatory because they were. You do not get a ‘be a bigot free’ card because your religion says you are one. You can change your shitty religion (conservative fundamentalist religions have done so tons of times in the past). Minorities cannot change who they are. There are tons of other religious communities that do not discriminate against minorities so that standard is not unreasonable.

  • I don’t think “greed” is quite the right word. “Greed” would be the right word if they were trying to make themselves more profitable.

    I mean regardless of whether it’s greed or not it’s happening because they need to generate a profit period lol.

    “Why do investors invest so many hundred of billions of dollars into companies that cannot be profitable without becoming super-shitty? And why do users join them knowing that they’re going to become super-shitty one day?”

    David Harvey has been ringing the bell on this for at least a decade lol. Effectively capitalism runs out of profitable investments when you need continued YoY growth. Like finding trillions of new investment opportunities a year is just not realistic. So capitalists fund bullshit projects and flow their money into markets where the perceived value is significantly greater than any of the actual socially necessary value. And that distance grows greater over time, until people realize ‘what the fuck are we funding’ (like what happened with crypto, or the metaverse), and then that gap immediately shrinks and the unlucky capitalists lose their money. And that will continue happening.