25 Another Reddit refugee

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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 14th, 2023


  • Well America itself is actually 6 time zones with the largest gap being 6 hours between the Eastern time zone and the Hawaii-Aleutian time zone so it could just be that OP

    1. Is dumb
    2. Is being intentionally vague for intrigue/outrage
    3. just lives in a country with one time zone and didn’t have to think about it. This could be true even if they live in a big ass county like China or India since they both only recognize one time zone each for their own reason.

  • After more reading it still seems like a lot of this is based on blood splatter stuff which is still super weird. It really sounds, the more I read the statement of facts, they took someone who was pretty fucked after what happened and who was already a little crazy and then cross examined the fuck out of her till she was like “I don’t remember what happened!”

    Which like shit I get that way when my girlfriend questions something I said too much. I have 0 confidence in my own memory.

    I mean I agree with the defense like if you’re willing to kill why not kill the husband for his life insurance why not idk rob someone. Killing your kids is such a shenanigans way to go about this if the motive is financial struggles.

    The big thing that makes me question things is one of the knives in the block having fibers that are supposedly consistent with the intruder’s entry point on it. A lot of people take that as she cut it from the inside and put the knife back. I mean that sounds compelling and all but like that’s really the only thing here that feels like actually evidence that it may have been a staged crime scene.

    Other than that it just seems a lot like they’re speculating on blood stain patterns, remarking on a lack of evidence that there was an intruder when a lot of the evidence they expect from an intruder aren’t the type of thing that HAS to be there, and they keep referencing these statements on the wound she had that are in my opinion really inconsistent. Like why’d they do the exploratory surgery? Idk the whole thing doesn’t make a lot of sense to me.

  • What my man Edric here says is facts bc doing that in the summer or the winter is balls.

    It’s ok ish spring and late fall but between our car delivery people and the cart people two of them got hit by a car within 6 months or so.

    I’d much rather keep my annoying ass spot in electronics than be constantly pinching my fingers on carts and finnicking with the stupid cart wrangler controller in the hot sun or freezing winter

  • Answer without oversharing: Could be better ¯\(ツ)

    Answer oversharing a shit ton and telling y’all stuff I haven’t told anyone else: Just moved to a new area to finish school and I’m struggling to find a job. I’m also concerned my s/o isn’t attracted to me but I’m trying to avoid seeming to insecure about it to her.

    I dunno there’s something scratching in my brain like all of this was a mistake or something. But it’s not really like there’s an alternative.

    I’m trying to be optimistic though.

    That being said I’m feeling so unwanted that I ended up redownloading tinder. I don’t intend to go on any dates or anything. I did download bumble bff so maybe I’ll hangout with someone from there.

    Idk what I’m even doing on tinder or in my life in general. I’m just hoping things will be less fuckin weird once school starts back up.

    I’m replaying the Witcher 3 tho that’s p neat Neonknight’s videos have revived my love for it.

  • I think it’s a bit flawed because I was I dunno 3? I don’t remember anything about 9/11.

    I figure if you don’t remember anything about 9/11 or you weren’t alive yet you’re not gonna just make 1 of 300 identical comments about how you were at home shitting your diaper or swimming around in your daddy’s balls ¯_(ツ)_/¯ but maybe I’m wrong.

  • I’ll give two but both of them are more situational than they are explicit design flaws.

    The more recent one: I was driving with my current girlfriend to Tennessee from Georgia on an incredibly twisty, narrow mountain road that was simultaneously undergoing construction. Not too bad right?

    Well this construction meant big ass barriers blocking the shoulders entirely. That + it being 2-3 AM, pitch black, and raining it’s needless to say my steering wheel still has the imprints from my terrified grip that day. I wish I could’ve stuck my head out and asked the other drivers if they were as stressed out about that road as I was.

    Second one: first ever driving in snow back in December of 2019 I wanna say. I was I dunno 21?

    My now ex-girlfriend and I decided to take my car on our road trip from Georgia to Colorado because I had just gotten new tires. Sounds like a good idea, right? Little did we know my fuckin heater would give out maybe two hours into the trip. Cut forward a few hours we’re in the flat hell that is Kansas and there’s a whole ass blizzard happening.

    Driving through heavy snow for the first time in my life was daunting enough but add on the fact that my windshield would not stop freezing over/fogging up, my now ex-girlfriend yelling at me about how cold it was, and my extremities losing feeling as my ex hogged the space heater I wired to my car battery and you have a pretty miserable ass trip.

    I drove the whole way through. I drove all 24 hours without switching off to let her drive because she was too scared to drive in those conditions. I mean I can’t really blame her for that but I can blame her for being really mean to me the whole time and I can blame her for how she acted when we broke up the next month.