duderium [he/him]

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Joined 4 years ago
Cake day: July 27th, 2020


  • “It’s Florida and Texas and red states that are the problem,” I tell myself as my entire country continues to collapse in a thousand different ways. “It’s Florida and Texas and red states. If we just had 60 Democrats in the senate and a more moderate SCOTUS (like in 2008), everything everywhere would be perfect! I mean, just look at all Obama managed to accomplish during that time! Endless drone strikes, corporate welfare, and a health care “plan” endorsed by the Heritage Foundation that made no difference to health insurance prices (which continued to rise as though nothing had happened) and left tens of millions of people uninsured or underinsured and which led to tens of thousands of deaths over the years due to lack of coverage—and that was before the pandemic even started! It’s not the system designed by genocidal slave owners that’s the problem, we just need to get rid of the corrupt elites and replace them with GOOD elites and everything will work itself out!”

  • I didn’t say that communism can’t work. I’m just saying people try to fuck it up for their benefit, whatever it is.

    The same was true of capitalism when it was getting started in rural late medieval England, but here we are.

    Maybe people will get better over time and be less likely to do that. Really though I think it’s just something we have to account for, by developing robust social systems that can’t easily be abused, not without being caught.

    Democracy in every home and workplace (also known as communism) should take care of this.

    “Maybe people will get better over time”—it’s certainly a choice people have. We can kill ourselves with capitalism or build a better world for everyone with communism.

  • You said that communism can’t work because of human nature, thereby implying that everyone everywhere has always been exactly the same, ignorant of the fact that the concept of private property was invented about five thousand years ago in a few isolated places. For hundreds of thousands of years and for the vast majority of people who have ever lived, they never knew anything about private property and probably would have considered the idea absurd (which it is). No private property = communism. If we can say that anything is human nature (nothing actually is, since human nature changes depending on context), it would actually be communism. Capitalism is not only collapsing right now because it’s a terrible idea, it’s collapsing because of its fundamental contempt for human beings and even nature itself.

  • The same is true of many implementations of communism. The problem isn’t the system, the problem is people, and people try to corrupt the system to their benefit.

    People everywhere have always been exactly the same since the dawn of time. Mitochondrial Adam and Eve were literally McDonald’s franchise owners. I am extremely intelligent.

  • I can also recognize that their autocratic ruling party represses and censors their citizens, and I don’t think that is a good thing. I wish the best for China and truly hope that some day, all their citizens will be able to express themselves freely.

    The USA imprisons more people per capita than China. There are also limits to free speech in the USA, as evidenced by the bourgeois regime’s brutal crackdown on the George Floyd protests among countless other examples. Which society is more free exactly?

  • Americans generally being unaware of how far their country has fallen behind the rest of the world in virtually every respect (except sucking). Despite increasingly obvious problems that intensify every day, large numbers of Americans believe that American “democracy” is the end of history and as good as it gets. If you criticize their country, they will blame the other major political party (even if both major parties have indistinguishable far-right policy outcomes since they are both owned entirely by the bourgeoisie) or say that other countries also have problems, ignorant of the fact that those problems are either less severe or caused by the USA. Either that, or Americans will assume that you are a paid shill or insane, since no one on Earth could possibly have a legitimate reason to despise America. American ignorance is profound and purposeful even among highly educated Americans. Americans believe the shittiness and backwardness of their country, the half lives even the happiest and most successful among them live, to be humanity’s permanent and ideal state.