• 2 Posts
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: July 1st, 2023

  • The ecosystem is really it, C# as a language isn’t the best, objectively Typescript is a much more developer friendly and globally type safe (at design time) language. It’s far more versatile than C# in that regard, to the point where there is almost no comparison.

    But holy hell the .Net ecosystem is light-years ahead, it’s so incredibly consistent across major versions, is extremely high quality, has consistent and well considered design advancements, and is absolutely bloody fast. Tie that in with first party frameworks that cover most of all major needs, and it all works together so smoothly, at least for web dev.

  • This is a weird take given that the majority of projects relevant to this article are massive projects with hundreds or thousands of developers working on them, over time periods that can measure in decades.

    Pretending those don’t exist and imagining fantasy scenarios where all large projects are made up of small modular pieces (while conveniently making no mention to all of the new problems this raises in practice).

    Replace functions replace files and rewrite modules, that’s expected and healthy for any project. This article is referring to the tendency for programmers to believe that an entire project should be scrapped and rewritten from scratch. Which seems to have nothing to do with your comment…?

  • C# on non-Windows is not impossible, but it’s going to require effort infeasible for school projects like that one.

    You mean winforms (The windows specific UI) on non-Windows? Otherwise this is incredibly misleading, and plain wrong.

    C# in non windows is the norm, the default even, these days. I build, compile, and run, my C# applications in linux , and have been for the last 5+ years.

  • Just a few hundred?

    That’s seems awfully short no? We’re talking a couple hours of good flow state, that may not even be a full feature at that point 🤔

    We have folks who can push out 600-1k loc covering multiple features/PRs in a day if they’re having a great day and are working somewhere they are proficient.

    Never mind important refactors that might touch a thousand or a few thousand lines that might be pushed out on a daily basis, and need relatively fast turnarounds.

    Essentially half of the job of writing code is also reviewing code, it really should be thought of that way.

    (No, loc is not a unit of performance measurement, but it can correlate)

  • I do feel like C# saw C++ and said “let’s do that” in a way.

    One of the biggest selling points about the language is the long-term and cross repo/product/company…etc consistency. Largely the language will be very recognizable regardless of where it’s written and by who it’s written due to well established conventions.

    More and more ways to do the same thing but in slightly different ways is nice for the sake of choices but it’s also making the language less consistent and portable.

    While at the same time important language features like discriminated unions are still missing. Things that other languages have started to build features for by default. C# is incredibly “clunky” in comparison to say Typescript solely from a type system perspective. The .Net ecosystem of course more than makes up for any of this difference, but it’s definitely not as enjoyable to work with the language itself.

  • The great thing about languages like C# is that you really don’t need to “catch up”. It’s incredibly stable and what you know about C#8 (Really could get away with C# 6 or earlier) is more than enough to get you through the grand majority of personal and enterprise programming needs for the next 5-10 years.

    New language versions are adding features, improving existing ones, and improving on the ergonomics. Not necessarily breaking or changing anything before it.

    That’s one of the major selling points really, stability and longevity. Without sacrificing performance, features, or innovation.

  • Yessss.

    C#/.Net backends are the best. The long term stability, DevX, and the “it just works” nature of all the tooling makes it a great choice. It’s also fast, which makes scaling for most applications a non-issue.

    I’ve switched to postgres for DB from SQL server, have never looked back, would recommend.

  • douglasg14b@programming.devtoProgramming@programming.dev...
    9 months ago

    .Net + EF Core + Vue/TS + Postgres. Redis as needed, Kafka as needed.

    I can get applications built extremely quickly, and their maintenance costs are incredibly low. The backends are stable, and can hang around for 5, 10+ years without issue or problems with ecosystem churn.

    You can build a library of patterns and reusable code that you can bring to new projects to get them off the ground even faster.

    Would recommend.