For purely political reasons. These users will join and then forget about it after a week because the platforms are different.
OK. I think I get it. So people enable uPnP on their routers and then open Minecraft’s port using uTorrent (or any other program that opens a port with uPnP). And they do all of that instead of just logging into their NAT routers. Honestly, sounds like something I would do before I knew networking concepts, though if it were explained to me it would be a million times more confusing than just learning how to configure NAT.
Can you explain this? I have so many questions.
/rant Assuming you’re in the US, though it applies elsewhere, but an energy/transportation revolution would be much nicer. I don’t see much of a point with electric vehicles if that renewable energy is going into businesses and homes anyways - there is no surplus of renewables that electric vehicles can use and claim “net 0.” Most of our electricity is from fossil fuels and yeah renewables reduce that - nice! For now, nuclear is unfortunately too close to home for most people and we are going to struggle more with ineffective alternatives. I think electric vehicles are nice, but they represent a technological feat, not a social one. Technology is much easier to engineer and is thus much less impressive or impactful than a social feat like pushing for nuclear or geothermal. /unrant
This is hilarious because I can attest to this. I took a class where we were partially graded on security - part of that was proper SQL parameterization. Half of my team couldn’t / wouldn’t be bothered to do so. It was just impossibly hard to get them to do so, almost as if I was asking them to do 10 pushups for every line of code.
I fiddled with TI BASIC in school and wrote a horrifying abomination that ran Minesweeper. Complete with 3x3 clearing and flagging. Calc 1 was my free period.
/nerd if those are image/video files, they are likely already compressed and are high entropy high randomness. They probably wouldnt have a 1:5 compression ratio /unnerd
This is why my roommate hates me. I keep every jar I use, hoard plastic jugs because I think I’ll eventually recycle them, and keep shipping boxes under my bed.