A potential approach: “Isn’t it funny how the demonic military-industry-complex that bombs and tortures people all around the world seem to have similar goals as you? I wonder how they managed to convince someone as smart as you that what they did was Christian? Matthew 24:24 - For false messiahs and false prophets will appear and perform great signs and miracles to deceive”
However, be aware of the problems with theories of brainwashing -
- https://redsails.org/dont-work-that-way/
- https://redsails.org/masses-elites-and-rebels/
- https://redsails.org/false-witnesses/
With regards to mental health: even in a capitalist society universal health care would go along way. However, we have to unfortunately contend whether that alone would help abolish the superstructures - including the institutions of imperialism and colonisation - that enable the license of bigotry.
Beauty ravaged by fascism.