Idk, that water looks way better than Pocahontas.
Idk, that water looks way better than Pocahontas.
Same to that sentiment!
Drown? Does you country seriously pursuit piracy that hard? Sorry, that sucks. Us Americans have it lucky being able to just vpn that kind of traffic.
Ah interesting! TIL. Thank you!
Just a inherent nature of communication via text. Best people can do is call out the cracks. Hope you and OP are able to get somewhere.
I rather you learn to fish than me hamd you a fish. You got this!
I’ll give you a hint. Try reading the original thread but put aside your own agenda.
You just can’t gey the point, huh?
You’re missing their point.
Hmm, so no firewall in the router blocking ports, instead blocking happens on the actual client?
How does IPV6 makes port forwarding possible?
Well, I’m talking about my use case which involves my own threat model. Regardless if it matches yours or not, it’s still a complain I can share about the current state of browsers.
Great for anonymity but has the same security baggage that gecko based browsers havem
Like I said, security is what I’m talking about. Brave browser, as much as I dislike the company is the best compromise when looking for both.
Just not what I’ve read from security engineers or other sources like GrapheneOS devs. A lot of the flaws on mobile also apply to desktop. Just turns out engineering man power is a huge deal for secure browsers.
Sucks they’re not close to as secure as chromium based browsers. Where’s my privacy and security first browser ☹️ Vandium is the only thing close to that. Can’t wait for desktop version.
I heard is pretty close to 1 to 1. Can’t find the source tho.