observing humanity from beyond

  • 6 Posts
Joined 2 years ago
Cake day: March 24th, 2022


  • Yeah at the end it’s an american movie so of course they’re going to be the heroes, at least China wasn’t portrayed as badly as Russia that iirc


    end up doing some kind of mutiny and killing between them? :::

    Something that i’ve noticed in these kind of movies is that the chinese representative is always a general, always a military guy, they never have a CPC guy, or a scientist. It’s as if China is a warmonger or smt in their minds.

  • What your genius idea is missing is that there is an already established society with a ruling class, is your plan to ask nicely? 😅

    The point Engels is making is that revolution is about establishing one group authority over the already established authority. In a society where might makes right, only might can resolve it.