Technically Roblox has existed since 2005 lol
i’ve only heard of it within the past few years (although i have absolutely no idea what it is). guess i’m old AND out of touch
It was more of a digital lego set back then.
just did a quick (image) search and that’s exactly what it looks like lol.
i gotta admit, it does look fun.
maybe i can get one of my grandchildren to show me how to play one day.
You’re not the only one; there’s someone whom i won’t name (public-facing comrade who’s involved in organizing against 👮, and for prison abolition) who admitted a few years back that they love all the police procedurals; like, all the most problematic ones, too lol which i, of course teased them about.
on that note, i was really into Southland (2009-2013) (despite hating police procedural dramas);
and while it doesn’t necessarily fit into the same box, i was also hooked on The Wire, too.
Phenomenal show.
i watched it before i finally conceded that Marxist theory was important for everyone to study, and i think that it’d make an interesting re-watch and reassessment (despite the creator’s politics) through a critical, Marxist lens.
that said, here’s a relevant article:
Police Departments Spend Vast Sums of Money Creating ‘Copaganda’ By Alec Karakatsanis {July 20, 2022}
initially, i was compiling a lot of interesting material related to copaganda (entertainment) in bourgeois media, but i decided to cull it at the last second. maybe i’ll try to take some time and do it properly one day; (i probably won’t actually do it lol), but it’ll be a fun project for me
ifwhen i do.