Trying my best and Hoping we all make it o7

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Joined 2 years ago
Cake day: March 23rd, 2022


  • Sorry for the late reply I missed this message until now. I definitely think the shift in software and to mobile plays a major part, especially when it comes to tech literacy of younger people now in my opinion. I feel like you used to have to learn a decent number of things about computers to accomplish basic tasks prior to smartphone/tablet era.

    I think it is equally to do with the consolidation of corporate social media though, combined with the proper explosion of the internet which I guess probably came mid 2010s ? Just used to be less people online really

  • I was born nearly decade before you and absolutely feel like i grew up on the internet too. It was so different when small blogs and sites dominated stuff and vbulletin or phpbb forum software was the primary way you experienced socializing online. Most of the closest friends in my life now I met initially on niche web forums or chat rooms pre-2010.

    Even 2009-2013ish twitter was a completely different experience to what exists now. Its crazy how much the internet has changed even just in the last 5-6 years

  • As some other comrades have said I think executive dysfunction is something to look into. If you can get evaluated for ADHD I definitely would try to. I have struggled with extremely similar issues and Covid especially compounded that, but about a year ago I finally got my shit together and got an ADHD diagnosis and medication to treat it. I still have a long, long way to go to achieve the things I want to but I can firmly say I have accomplished more in the past year of my life than in the five previous to that.

    Progress is going to be slow and incremental, sometimes nonexistent or outright in reverse but it can be done I think. Hopefully you can access some half decent resources where you are.