• 1 Post
Joined 11 months ago
Cake day: July 30th, 2023


  • If up or down votes bother you, then have some serious issues. You need to re examine your priorities. Maybe posting on social media is not good for you. You have too fragile of an ego if you get upset that someone disagrees with you. Life if full of people who disagree with you. If you can’t handle it, then you need help. I’m sure this comment will get a ton of down votes, but I don’t care. They don’t bother me because I’m not fragile. I live in the real world and understand that what people think of something I write doesn’t really make a difference my life.

    I really hope you are not in the majority, otherwise this world is doomed.

  • Why does nobody point out that they called THEMSELVES “Redskins”, not because of the natural color of their skin, but because they would paint their faces red? I’m referring to the actual Reskins, not the football team. I swear, people get offended by shit because they don’t understand and misinterpret things. Sure, if you Google it now, all you get are stories about how racist it is because that’s the narrative they want to paint. Before all of this politically correct bullshit started it was understood where the name came from. It was something that was written about in books from the 1800s. It would be nice if people would learn to use actual sources for their information rather than Google and historians who weren’t alive at the time. There are actual sources that explain all this. A source is someone who was actually there. I have a library of books from the early 1800’s going forward. They are written by actual sources and contradict so much of what Google and politically motivated historians claim about numerous things. “Do your own research” doesn’t mean “Google it”. The Internet has made people lazy and easily manipulatable. I’m not saying I’m above it. I’ve fallen for the lies too. That’s why I started collecting as many books as I could that explain history from the people who were there when it happened.