And how would you even be able to tell that it’s Israeli snipers shooting Israeli civilians?
And how would you even be able to tell that it’s Israeli snipers shooting Israeli civilians?
Care to remind us?
Yeah, they may not be taking much ground back, but they’re also not in danger of losing much external support yet, which is probably the only scenario where Zelenskiy would cave to Putin. From his comments, I’m guessing this is just a stalling tactic to help win back some eyes and ears.
Land of the Reeeeeeepublicans
Thank you!
It’s a big gap, and you’re in it!
That really doesn’t help everyone.
Thanks to my crippling ADHD, I’m completely the opposite of that, and still manage to fuck up my budget.
Probably Excited Delirium
Why did you censor the other word, but not “cunt?”
All instances, as far as I can tell.
I tried logging out, exiting the app completely, then I opened it back up, went on All, and clicked the first 20 or so posts with >3 comments. It didn’t display any of the comments. I’d say 85ish% returned the error above, while the rest returned “No comments” (even though the post card showed comments were made).
Seriously. What a dick of a human being.
Whale noises intesify
You really need to read more and gain yourself some perspective on the way corporations are now structured to drain any and all value from users/customers and funnel it to (mainly the majority) shareholders, using any tactics that they Believe they can legally get away with. This includes lobbying (re: bribery) for legislation and/or legal decisions that work in their favor.
Why the shift, all of a sudden, from many news outlets to “Hamas-run health ministry”?
This death is a tragedy. At the same time, I just don’t care at this point, which is another tragedy. Israel has taken their revenge plot too far. They have turned the awful deaths of their people into the sad smoke of justification for a genocide that some of their citizens have been hoping and planning for. This is not the middle ages anymore. We know better. You know better. The fact that my government actively supports this breaks my heart all the more.
I do! If you’re patient and careful, you can still find some good creators on there. But, it’s almost not worth it to even look anymore. Etsy doesn’t even pretend to give a shit about all of the fake shops and misleading listings. Unfortunately, I haven’t found any good alternatives yet either.
So, the article didn’t say… What kind of time is he looking at?
God, I am so hard right now.