Not the worst life plan ever
Not the worst life plan ever
Ferrari does the same thing
1.5M views, I think they’re allowing it.
But all females have been deleted from nasa
Bout to find out how easy it is to end democracy
Besides the obvious
Confirmed, am moron.
Why not both
If I remember my middle school education, its now the responsibility of the executive branch to enforce the court’s ruling.
Maybe you dont understand clustering
Because you keep parroting the same argument in the face of direct contradictions.
Are you a chatbot?
Incorrect premise. A pager is an ordinary consumer electronic device that can and did find its way into innocent hands.
Similar to a lot of other highly effective attacks, its also a war crime ☹️
Is it a threat?
Back when my cat was alive I got occasional reports that he would enter various other houses nearby and meow by the fridge until he was given a cold cut.