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Joined 2 years ago
Cake day: January 11th, 2022


  • If it isn’t the biggest harassment campaign on the internet, then it’s at least one of them

    My thought about the person herself is that while she’s a pretty garbage person, it’s very clearly a result of the world around her treating her like shit on every level for basically her entire life, she grew up in a horrifically abusive right-wing household just to end up in constant attack by the worst people the internet’s had to offer, with those people shaping every aspect of her “growth” from that point forward, to the point of the 4chan harassers even going so far as to give her multiple fake friends and people trying to “help” her just to end up being part of the harassment campaign so that she can’t even know who she can trust even among people she knows IRL

    Just a shitshow on every level and it’s undeniable that she’s a massive victim here even if she hasn’t exactly been a good person herself (but again, that’s largely because of how she’s been a victim the whole time)

    (I think CWC still uses she/her? Someone correct me if I’m wrong, it’s been absolutely ages since I last checked for obvious reasons, I don’t like looking into this stuff lol)

  • Someone I follow(ed) on Mastodon was just trying to shame people who don’t vote, because of the idea that “Trump is going to immediately round up all us trans people and throw us in camps if you don’t vote Biden!!”

    As far as I can tell, the claim seems entirely made up, and it feels almost malicious to be basing that entire decision around the idea that “Trump MIGHT come after ME hypothetically!!” rather than all of the people Biden has already thrown in camps and all of the people in Gaza that Biden has given his unconditional support to genociding

    It feels downright selfish to still be pushing that “vote blue no matter who” bullshit for that reason, and they clearly haven’t learned shit from 2016 and 2020

    They’re also still under the impression that people choose not to vote just so that they can “push the Democrats more progressive”, when it’s basically the opposite, people realize they can’t push the Democrats left so they’re choosing not to participate in the sham they call a “democracy”, but I guess this is one of those people who can only see politics within the confines of the US electoral system

    Edit: Not to mention all the other shit people have mentioned as having been actively worse under Biden, it makes it feels especially garbage and selfish that one is still pushing the idea of Biden being a human rights savior

  • That’s not mentioned in this specific blog post, but that’s always been one of Vanilla OS’s defining features, it’s “apx” package manager to install those various types of packages

    It’s even using Distrobox actually, but the point is to make it simpler to install packages for those contrainers, with the user not worrying as much about managing the individual containers, and not having to memorize the specific commands for each individual distro’s package manager

    Basically, like the rest of Vanilla OS, the point isn’t that you can’t do this stuff elsewhere, it’s that it’s trying to make it easier to do it

  • Representation doesn’t make up for bad game design.

    It’s getting downvoted because the two are completely unrelated, making one of the main characters a woman has no impact on how the gameplay is designed, it’s certainly not a case where you can “prioritize” one over the other because it’s not like representation takes time away from the rest of development

    Also, we have no idea what the gameplay is like, so the comment just sounds like it’s assuming that the gameplay must be bad because it has representation which is utter nonsense

  • I think their point is that you’re giving up a lot of story potential by having to work around the player being a customizable character with no characteristics set in stone, they can’t really be characters as much as they’re just player stand-ins, which is a problem for a game like GTA where the player character is a well-defined, fleshed out character where various things about them matter a lot in the story, like Niko Bellic in GTA IV being from Eastern Europe and having fought in a war for example

  • I have a Steam Deck and I’m happy with it too, but my point is that the game compatibility would just get even worse if you add on having to emulate x86, because it’s not like x86 emulation would be perfect right away, and the amount of native ports will become even smaller than they already are

    Even if the architecture is an improvement, in practice it wouldn’t make any sense right now, and I can’t see an ARM-based Steam Deck or whatever selling nearly as well as the existing x86 ones given the downsides it would present

    1. Seems kinda hand-wavy to me, so I’ll boil this down to lower bloat (i.e. lower disk and mem usage by the OS)

    They pretty clearly say what they mean by that though, unless you only read the headers and not the actual text

    1. This is very much YMMV, and for Steam Deck specifically, it’s comparing a tuned the system to an OOTB experience; surely other handhelds tune their systems too

    They absolutely don’t, is the thing, and the Windows ones largely can’t in the same way that the Deck can, because they can’t change how Windows works beyond the surface, meanwhile Valve is able to write software for Linux like Gamescope, an entire lightweight compositor that lets them have full control over how games are displayed and means they don’t need to have a full desktop environment running, and they directly contribute to and fund development for open source system components (like the KDE Plasma desktop environment that’s used in Desktop Mode) in a way that would be impossible for similar things on Windows

    Valve even has their own custom patched version of the Linux kernel in SteamOS, you can’t do anything remotely like that on Windows

    1. I’m pretty sure this is true for other handhelds, but I haven’t used them personally so I don’t know

    You can’t avoid having using the desktop eventually on Windows on a handheld, and it’s always running the background, even if you boot into Big Picture

    Even if you’re always running games from Big Picture or whatever, you still need to use the desktop for updates, as well as any settings and functionality that can’t be accessed from Big Picture on Windows (like dealing with Bluetooth devices), as opposed to SteamOS where all of it can be handled directly in gaming mode without a desktop even running

    1. This seems very solvable, and not an inherent Windows issue; large enterprises manage drivers and whatnot centrally, surely a handheld can too

    ASUS already has a solution, like the article mentions, but it can’t be nearly as seamless as SteamOS where they can just push a single system update image that includes everything, and it’s applied all in one go directly from gaming mode

    There’s also additional benefits SteamOS can have with its update system that Windows can’t have, like how it has an A/B partition system similar to Android so that a broken update only breaks one partition and it can switch to the other one when that happens, which especially helps if something like a power interruption happens during an update and it doesn’t complete properly (meanwhile on Windows it can be pretty hard to recover from something like that)

    1. Surely this is true for Windows devices, no? I’m guessing more people are comfortable customizing Windows handheld PCs vs the Steam Deck simply because more people are familiar with customizing Windows than Linux

    You absolutely cannot modify Windows nearly as deeply as you can with Linux, and attempting to make any serious changes requires hacky solutions that Microsoft can just break in the next update anyway

    Like, you can change almost every single component of a Linux distro, you can rewrite components directly since they’re open source, and there are usually multiple options to pick from for any given piece of system software, such as the entire desktop environment, or the audio system, or even the kernel itself

  • The idea would be that new games would be compiled natively.

    They won’t even compile games for Linux as it is, and a lot of the ports we do get are awful ones that run significantly worse than the Windows versions do through Proton, so expecting publishers to start putting all their PC games on a different architecture entirely, just for the sake of handhelds like this, is completely unrealistic

    Stuff like Proton (which isn’t emulation in the sense that this would be) has already struggled so much with compatibility over the years to get to where it is now, adding an entire x86 emulation layer on top of that would set things back so far and it would even more of an uphill battle to recover from

    If the goal is to run enough current games well enough, then AMD chips are still doing fine at that, and upcoming generations will likely go a long way to improving that