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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 13th, 2023

  • The top 10 mistakes as I see it-

    1. Capitalism
    2. AmeriKKKa
    3. Israel
    4. the Reconquista
    5. The “discovery” of the Americas by the most intolerant, warlike, and then disease-ridden and unhygienic asscrack of Eurasia (western Europe)
    6. Br*tain
    7. Gorbachev
    8. Klanada
    9. Australia
    10. Krushchev

  • Ancient Greeks and Romans (as this guy clearly idealizes, considering the pfp) were dandy as fuck, tbh. Gay (or bi) as fuck, too. They liked their masculinity, and they fetishized it arguably a whole lot more than femininity, with predictable (sexual) results.

    The “ancient times” this guy so loves, never existed outside his mind- or perhaps they did, but not with the “ancient Romans/Greeks/most ancient ‘civilized’ folk.” The notions of “masculinity” he subscribes to, in fact, would probably have seen this guy derided (accurately in this case) as a “barbarian…”

    This guy’s notions of masculinity are not only inspired by, if not wholly formed from the “barbarian” asscrack of Eurasia (western and northwestern Europe, though I’d call the genuine barbarism of the west a more recent thing, a product of 500 years of unparalleled barbaric behavior, perhaps much more considering the Crusades, both northern and southern) as the ancient civilizations saw it- but they’re inspired by the rot that festered in that asscrack following Christianization, the collapse of the Roman Empire at the hands of “barbarians,” and the gradual abandonment of much of the actual merits of that time (hygiene and sanitation, for instance).

  • It really shows that finally, America is getting the leaders they deserve. Not the ones they need, but the most honest representations of all the sins of the empire come home to roost.

    Obama and Romney can speak eloquently, give a veneer of respectability, and pretend they gave a damn about the common peasantry or “human rights,” but beneath it all they’re just as terrible as Trump or Biden, and they played a role (and continue to do so) in creating and sustaining all the same problems haunting the US now.

    Obama strikes me as particularly insidious, because he- as the first black POTUS (figurehead) for the blob, oversaw the destruction of Africa’s most developed country, and its turning into a hell-on-earth with open air slave markets. He oversaw the destruction of black home ownership, and (despite his sensible misgivings) set the stage for the current events in Ukraine, as well as the “pivot to Asia,” and for whatever sympathies he appears to genuinely have had and still have for the Palestinians, ultimately he did and still does nothing about it.

    He was just a figurehead, sure- and if he’d attempted to do anything meaningful, he probably would have gotten JFKed. But he allowed himself to be the figurehead for such atrocious policies, and he played no small part in cleaning up and sustaining the facade of “liberal democracy.”

    I prefer the clearly abhorrent character of Trump, and to a lesser (but still significant) extent Biden, in comparison. It would of course be best if the US could turn itself around, but as that won’t happen- better a blatant monster, than a competent and affable person who can present a pretty picture of the monstrous empire and fool many, if you ask me. Biden, and even Obama before him, were no better than Trump- in fact in many ways they were worse, certainly in their foreign policy they were. And I suspect Biden (or whatever Democrat runs) will do a whole lot more damage- not simply to the empire, but to innocent citizens and to the entire world- than Trump would in a second term, considering that business didn’t only continue as usual when Biden took office, but accelerated towards WW3, and unlike how it was with Trump’s terrible image, Biden (or his puppetmasters, anyways- the man probably doesn’t have much sense left) has the whole west happily goosestepping in line with his atrocities. They would have done so anyways, sure- but at least they would have hemmed and hawed about it and maybe even had second thoughts if the optics were worse, if the Orange Man™ were in power.

  • Sounds like they’re “sensible” nationalists at least, then- the kinds who presumably can recognize that plunging Europe into WW3 with their much larger, nuclear-armed neighbor is a terrible idea for their nation, and has a good chance of making Estonian a language only spoken in hell.

    It’s a measure of common sense that- for all that their politics are no doubt disgusting otherwise- is pleasantly refreshing, due to how rare it is and how low the bar has gotten across the west.

  • Honestly, so much of the Judeo-Christian (if not just most Abrahamic) beliefs seem centered around shitting on everything that came prior, as well as other peoples’ beliefs. The Christian take on it in particular- notably the western, Latin-derived (Catholic/Protestant/etc) denominations strike me as having tendencies of being especially spiteful and mean-spirited in this regard.

  • Ranma from Ranma ½ (my avatar). While there are differences, big trans energy, Chinese aesthetic/culture, and shit family circumstances and the rootlessness that comes from having moved countless times as a kid, it hits all the right spots. Also maybe Artemis from Hades (game). Sato- the MC from Welcome to the NHK is another big one, tbh it and Welcome to the Tatami Galaxy had a big impact on teen me and onwards, I feel they really spoke to me and likely always will, even when I am well past such circumstances (hell, I fall back on such circumstances sometimes anyways). And Kafka from Honkai Star Rail is goals.

    Also, I ramble too much sometimes (whenever comfortable, perhaps) and Unsuur from My Time at Sandrock hits the mark way too much, I felt called out lol (and my partner knew immediately it was “literally me”)

  • While accurate, it’s also too vague. Which capitalists are responsible, for championing its highest form as a world system, for pushing it to its furthest logical extensions, and for countless horrendous crimes and genocides done in its name? The Latin American, Asian, African capitalists? Or even, more sensibly, the European capitalists? No, it’s the Anglo-Americans, and when and where it has not been them, it has been those inspired by (and often also in some considerable degree instigated by) them. And when and where other nations have sought to progress past it or even just lessen its excesses, it is those greatest champions of capital (and genocide, and imperialism), the Anglo-Americans, who have, time and time again, acted as the “global policemen” (and global corrupters, global terrorists) to undermine and destroy such positive change.

    There’s a reason why, in the multipolar world that is now being built, nations of all stripes- AES like China, capitalist nations like Russia, Brazil, South Africa, reactionary monarchies like the Saudis and Islamic republics like Iran, and even fascists in all but name like the Indian Hindutvas, and all sorts of other nations and peoples of all kinds across the globe, are finding common cause, in overthrowing this unbearable yoke.

    Capitalism is to blame, yes. But it is its highest form- imperialism- which is the first and foremost contradiction, which must be taken down as a world system, which must be specifically defined (and recognized as the highest stage of capital, yes) and singled out here, I believe- and one cannot speak of imperialism, without mentioning and singling out the regime which runs the show behind this world system today, the US empire.

  • Funny thing is 99% of the “plastic crap” is literally built in a communist country, which outcompetes the west, and is increasingly doing so in all fields, and produces more ethically (though that is also a matter of the world system we live in), efficiently, and environmentally than the west.

    The Chinese proles are increasingly eating better, living better, having better stuff at cheaper prices, having better homes (in contrast to the west where home ownership is out of sight for an increasingly large share of the population), and it’s all thanks to communism, to the dictatorship of the proletariat being upheld, and delivering such wondrous results for its people.

  • Maybe China was the cage then- well, one can’t deny that material conditions until recently were worse, that’s the circumstances China, like the vast majority of the world, which has been brutally pillaged and destabilized by the west for over a century, has to face.

    My parents, too, left (Singapore) to the west, to Canada. I’d call them both race traitors as you describe, and mentally colonized in so many ways (my dad perhaps less so, but he’s also a shit person whereas my mom has recovered a fair bit in that regard). My mom was the one driving the move, and she fled “for freedom.” She abandoned her culture, her birth language, denounced her family’s traditional Chinese folk religion and Buddhist beliefs as “demon worshipping,” and headed to the west (interestingly enough, not her first time- that was when she eloped in her- I think it was late teens, with a white American teacher old enough to be her grandfather- and interestingly also it was the paternal side of the family, the more westernized, Catholic ones, who drove her to such a bad state as to force the move). All for “freedom.”

    What freedom did she get, did either of my parents get? Nothing if you ask me, perhaps the “freedom” to spiral into increasingly cultish and religiously abusive behavior, which they did. The “freedom” to destroy their lives, for over a decade they will never gain back. The “freedom” to become the cultish, mentally ill (on my mom’s part), traumatized, abusive, poor (my dad at least I think got better in that regard, but fuck him), isolated, comprador branch of the family on both sides. The freedom to experience all the accursed nonsense inherent in this racist, genocidal-settler society.

    I won’t deny, I myself for a time repeated my parents’ mistakes. While I can’t say I’d change things overly much, not quite, not when I met my partner in the road of life I chose- I too, for all that I always had a pride and strong sense of identity as being Asian, what with being raised- for much of it as a extreme minority in rural Canada- used to fall for the western lies, of milk and honey, “democracy and freedom and liberalism,” and even when I did wind up returning to my birthplace, Singapore, these poisonous lies, alongside trauma from certain bad circumstances in the first 2 months there (after which I had more family, more stability, more prospects, etc. than I had ever had in my life) poisoned my mind, twisted it so I could only seek to return to the “free” country where growing up at one point, if not for a car accident leading to compensation my family might have become homeless- where, I myself, had experienced (and would experience again) homelessness, the “free” country that is now standing for genocide as it always has, and seeking to destroy the peace and prosperity of the Asia-Pacific, and championing “yellow peril” narratives and Sinophobia…

    What “freedom” can be said to be had, here? Associated with the west, that word is a poisonous word, a lie, the furthest thing from a truth. There are some “privileges,” perhaps, but it all hangs over our heads like a sword of Damocles at every turn, there to be threatened with removal constantly to keep us in line, a political “good cop, bad cop” circus act which hinges upon the constant divide-and-conquer culture wars western society thrives on, the demagoguery and hysteria that is inherent in our system. What freedom? These words are bitter lies, and the “milk and honey,” the prosperity, is also gone rancid at this point, and there’s no reason whatsoever to think the present “democratic” regimes of the west can even resolve (read: band-aid; and that they can’t even do that is hilariously pathetic) the material conditions within their cores, nor desire to.

    I agree with your descriptions of the treachery and insidiousness of white liberals and conservatives alike, of course. But what “freedom,” truly? All moving did, was grant your family (and mine) the material comforts and benefits of a wealthier society, but even that glamour has all been lost now, and as it fades away people are increasingly realizing that our regimes are no different from, and indeed the inspiration for and progenitors of, the most murderous, dictatorial regimes in history- and those seeds are coming home to roost, and the truth is they always were simmering here, and what we really did was trade our dignity, and sonetimes our decency, for a well-marketed, gilded turd, one that has now exploded in our faces and shall only get more repugnant from here on out.

  • forgetting that she praised her grandpa “fighting for european integration, during WW2”

    I suppose technically that’s not incorrect lol… looked it up and- yep, he was in the Wehrmacht, and an enthusiastic Nazi supporter and Hitler’s War Merit award recipient.

    Euros really are shameless, but then the whole west is…

  • If we also consider how coupled the US is to the world economy, a drastic drop in global power could mean the sort of sanctions the US state has been inflicting on other countries end up on it

    Hell, nevermind sanctions, a drop in US power will mean- as we are seeing- the development of alternatives; the world simply won’t need the US anymore, all their tools of extortion will be undone, and increasingly states will choose the alternatives- or develop their own- rather than deal with the US, which has always, always been a malicious, treacherous actor.

    Countries will increasingly develop their own domestic agriculture, where the US had formerly shackled them to its own, discouraged such developments, and supported (in some/many cases, enforced) the development of export economies, wholly beholden on the imperial cores instead. Alternatives to western media, technology, to western institutions ranging from education to international justice or arbitration- will develop. Countries will move past the western chokeholds from all industries, from pharmaceuticals, to industrial development (within their own countries at that!), to developing infrastructure for their own inter-global southern trade (for instance, inter-African trade as a key example of where this is so clearly necessary, and where such struggles are undergoing), to finance, and so on.

    And personally, I look forward to seeing it. Whatever is beholden to the west, owned by the west, should not be trusted, and countries are not only seeing the west increasingly once again go mask-off as the bad actors they are, but now, with viable alternatives, moving, slowly but surely, en masse away from it. The future of the west will be pariahs if they keep it up, but even in the hypothetical scenario of genuine communist revolution and establishment within the west- the levers of control the west has only ever abused so far, will increasingly be gone, and the rest of the world is never going to hand them back- it’s all Joever for western hegemony, for western influence, for the western era (500 years of monstrosities, unprecedented terror and actual barbarism).

    And if countries don’t like the developing Chinese, Russian, BRICS alternatives- by all means, that’s fine (well, I’d call it nonsense, but it’s fine). For instance, India banned TikTok. More power to them, or whatever. But what we’re moving towards is a world where India, and all these other countries, can make their own TikToks, their own Facebooks or whatever they want- a world where, hopefully, each and every chip of western capital will be lost. Frankly if you ask me? China should probably see about helping India break off from western tech, even if it’s building up their own new competitors, surely an arrangement can be made- but it’s a whole new world, and what is “west” is gonna be on the way out. Hopefully we live to see Microsoft, Alphabet, Meta, Ford, General Electric, Pfizer, Monsanto, Nestle, Amazon, Coca-Cola, Disney, etc… (basically list any and every western multinational) kick the bucket, to see the west really hit its stride in either becoming irrelevant, or learning to come down to earth and join the rest of humanity (without the levers of coercion- they’re never going back, and the west will never be trusted to develop them, ever) as equals- and as truly reformed, repentant, and thoroughly decolonized equals.

  • Looking it up, the answer is no- debt collection, at least in the shady form it takes in the west, is illegal in China. Whatever debts are demanded due have to be presented by a lawyer to courts.

    If you ask me, that’s a good thing- just as the credit industry should not exist in the form it does (and China has prevented their country from being flooded by cheap consumer credit), debt collectors also should not be allowed to exist, certainly not in any way akin to how they do in the west.

    It may sound bloodthirsty but if it were up to me? Such predators who target the working class in particular, and with such notoriously corrupt and coercive, often illegal means, should be sent for re-education- the repeat offenders, lined up and shot, and that is the generous treatment for them- as I certainly am also a believer in that there is a considerable value and importance in the societal concept and expectations of justice, if I had such power I would even publicly flay them if they were abhorrent enough, or have them handled by the mob. Because if worst comes to worst, medieval problems certainly can and do call for medieval solutions. Those who inflict cruelty have no place to complain when it is turned back upon them, and that satisfaction is something politically relevant, and I’d argue- psychologically necessary, for the individual and for society, to some large degree.