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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 9th, 2023


  • You’re correct. The article makes it very clear there are multiple exceptions. I guarantee not a single republican out there is only using incandescent bulbs in their homes. Obviously they’re virtue signaling for their base. Companies for a while have been making to switch to LED and they’re much cheaper than they used to be. This is where the free market really has prevailed. Most people don’t mind paying extra if it means they don’t have to change out a light bulb as often.

  • What if instead of taking over Twitter handle X, he had taken over Twitter handle of say NY Times. Not blocked it or suspended but straight up takeover. They’re part of that company’s brand. X May have not been important monetarily to that person but doing something like this without offering some sort of compensation signals to all other companies who use Twitter that their handle isn’t safe. This may be a unique instance because he wants the X Twitter handle for their rebranding, but it is an asshole move and undoubtedly others will be watching closely.

    I agree. They are within their rights to do whatever with their database, their service. But if their decisions impact someone else’s business then they shouldn’t be surprised if someone takes legal action.

  • You know and I think that’s okay. To a certain extent almost all professional sports will have celebs show up who have no interest in the sport. I agree with you that too many look disinterested or get annoyed when they’re approached by media for an interview. They’re obviously not the main attraction, and it wouldn’t kill them to feign interest, just say it’s cool, be honest and say they don’t know anything about the sport but are excited to experience the event and learn more about it. Even if it’s all a lie it goes a long way in improving their image, promoting this wonderful sport, and maybe even draw in some of that celebrities fans to actually check out f1. I mean that is the whole reason these celebrities are invited to the paddock and are shown in the team garage during races isn’t it?

  • Interesting. I know the FIA is getting flack for the penalties and how long it took to implement it. Either the drivers really can’t control their car or they were just hoping the officials would give up enforcing the rules. The commentators made a good point, if the race was wet the drivers would do everything in their power to avoid running off the track to avoid losing grip. Here it’s obvious they were pushing the limits to gain an advantage. Next time keep to the track limits. Those that did this race avoided penalties and moved up some slots.

  • What doesn’t surprise me is that wealthy adventure enthusiast billionaire would think it’s okay to cheap out on something supposed to sustain his life underwater. $30 game controller? Plumbing pipe for ballast? Off the shelf monitors? Is that picture showing they done even have any seats or way to strap in safely? Bolted in from the outside without a safety escape built in? I feel they would have been better off trying to go at it with an old timey diving bell attached to the surface with an air hose. That would have been even cheaper than this underwater coffin they built. At least then they would have been tethered and retrievable.

  • Sounds good on the face of it but really doesn’t address the mountain of debt most people are in currently. Agreed that schools and deceptive lending practices need to be reigned in, but let’s be real here, this doesn’t really address the root cause of the problem which is runaway costs. As long as people are willing to take the loans out the schools will continue to charge what they want. From what I read it’s just kicking the can down the road and putting the onus on a young student coming out of high school to make the right decision.