RC is turning out to be a giant douche bag. Who would have saw that coming
Fuck yeah
Crazy how the genocided turned into the genociders. No sympathy for Israel ever again
Oh well. Buy the ticket, take the ride
The US was for sale and russia bought it
The high seas are waiting for everyone!
Nothing better than hearing the American anthem booed even after they asked the crowd not to! Fix your shit murica!
I’m seriously feeling like we’re all fucked
This time keep the tarifs on if they remove theirs. Fuck rump!
Send rump there personally to deal with it! Im sure hamas will fix muricas issue real quick!
Get out and vote and bring all your friends with you!
They look like robot shit
Doug ford is a bozo. Vote him out Ontario!
Oh wow! Just in time too! /s
If I had the painting skills I would!
He needs help getting it up to fuck rump
I agree that anthems need to be taken out of sports. Save it for the olympics or national events. With that said, I hope the US anthem is boo’d relentlessly until that wannabe orange dictator is abolished
Too bad it wasn’t the big one! It’s time for us to leave